[long chapter warning]
I bet you're confused.
you don't have to be.
I'm going to answer as many questions as possible.
whatever I don't answer, feel free to comment below.My name isn't Kennedy.
My name is Minghao.
I don't care what you say, I am a boy not a girl.
I may have been born with a female body, but under no circumstance does that mean I am not male.
I have felt this way my whole life. I may not have known what those feelings were two, three years ago, but I do now.
I am panromantic homosexual.
I am physically attracted to all genders, but only sexually attracted to males.
this means I am GAY, NOT STRAIGHT.
if you have any questions about myself, comment below.Now. Time for some information.
No, sex and gender aren't the same thing.
Sex is what you were born as, sex is determined by your genitals.
Gender is something you decide.Gender is complicated.
For me, my brain tells me that I am a boy.
As you can imagine, my feminine body confuses my brain.
But that doesn't matter. You should never judge someone just by what their gender is.
People choose to identify as a different gender to make themselves more comfortable and happier.
This doesn't mean you can judge them for trying to be HAPPY.Gender is something I feel strongly towards. I feel as though everyone has the right to be called THEY/THEM before ignorant assholes can go and call them their biological pronouns.
Never assume the gender of someone.
You have no idea how much it might kill them inside.ALWAYS ASK NEW ACQUAINTANCES WHAT PRONOUNS THEY PREFER.
I had someone ask me,
"you're a boy? so you like girls now?"
THAT ISN'T HOW IT WORKS.Also, if you hear someone else being called different pronouns or a different name than their birth assigned, please call them that.
unless, of course, it doesn't make them happy.Transgender people aren't like what they've been accused of being.
[child molesters, spawns of satan, etc.]Please, take this information and use it in your everyday life.
You could save so much depression.
Guess What? I'm bored.
Novela Juvenilinside jokes; hot hot hot you ignorant slug lobsterkowski 80% toast obster throat bippity boppity boo cornoli flipinotski