Chapter 11

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We walked into the space station and I was filled with awe. It was amazing that something this large could stay up in space and not interfere with anything.
"Greetings space people," Adam said in a voice typically used to greet foreigners that spoke little English. "We come in peace from a planet called Earth."
"Adam, they're from Earth, too," I sighed.
"No, no. That's what they want you to think. But see her over there? She's about to pull her head off and become queen of the alien-squid people. Wait for it..." The crew slowly backed away from their curly haired comrade. "Wait for it..." Bree and Chase pushed past Adam to speak to the people.
"Hello, everyone. Sorry we're late. The Milky Way is a bear this time of night." Chase laughed at his own smart-people joke, but even the crew members rolled their eyes. Bree decided to use her people skills to get the crew to warm up to them.
"All right people, you're safe now, so single file to the back of the shuttle. Oh, and your in-flight movie is me talking about my boy problems. Whoo!"
"We're going to need longer than a flight back to Earth to talk about those," I joked, and Bree shot me a tiny death glare. The crew members began walking back to the shuttle, and Adam's gaze followed them.
"Wait for it..."
"Oh, come on," I sighed, grabbing Adam's arm and bringing him along with Bree, Chase, and I.
"There isn't much time," Chase sighed. "The hull breach is compromising the structural integrity of the station."
"And there's an asteroid shower heading our way," I finished, my internal computer scanning the environment. Adam came in spinning the tool we needed around his finger as if it weighed nothing.
"Okay, I've got the tool we need to fix the hull," he announced.
"Adam, be careful with that," his brother warned. "It's not a toy."
"Not unless you give it its own voice." Adam's voice went into falsetto. "'Look at me, I'm a toy!'" I rolled my eyes and moved on, placing my hands on the small computer surface.
"Okay, we have to contact Mr. Davenport so he can guide us through this." I typed in some words on the computer and started up the video program, but rather than seeing Mr. Davenport's face, I saw Leo's.
"Earth here, commander Dooley speaking."
"Where's Mr. Davenport?" I demanded.
"He had to take Marcus home. But he should have been back by now. Oh, also, before I forget, I'm gonna need you to bring me back a lot of souvenirs. A space helmet, space rocks, space soap, a space towel, those tiny little space shampoos-- shampoos, not conditioners-"
I cut off the video feed and turned to my mission companions.
"How is Adam supposed to go into space and fix a breached hull without Mr. Davenport here to tell him how to do it!" Chase's arm flew out to the side, and it sent the tool we needed flying through the air, falling to the ground and shattering.
"Chase," Bree looked at Chase with crazy eyes, "did your 'deactivated' molecular kinesis just destroy the tool we need to fix the damaged hull?"
"Uh... no?" Chase had guilt written all over his face.
"You lied to us," I accused. "You never even told Mr. Davenport about it, did you?"
"If I had told him about it, he never would have let me come into space," he whined.
"Wait, so our mission leader just messed up the mission?" A small smile worked its way onto Adam's face, despite the severity of the situation. "Whoo-hoo! For once it wasn't me!"
"We have to talk to Mr. Davenport. He'll know what to do." Chase re-opened the video call, but Leo was still sitting there, listing the things he wanted.
" chocolate, space taffy, a martian... moon cheese, space pizza..." Chase shut off the video feed.
"Well, Mr. Davenport's not there," Bree sighed, "but at least we know what Leo wants from the gift shop! What are we going to do?"
"Wait, what if I use my heat vision to seal the pieces of the hull back together?" I was shocked at Adam's idea. It might actually work.
"Adam, that's a great idea!" I exclaimed, smiling.
"Chase, hand over your t-shirt." Bree was referring to the 'Mission Leader' shirt. Chase shook his head in protest and we moved on.
"Let's go," Chase sighed. "Come on, go." We all walked into a confined space with two helmets and two tether sets. Chase grabbed one helmet and handed it to Adam. "Alright, this visor is designed to let your heat vision through."
"So whatever you do, don't open it, or your face will explode," I finished.
"Adam, I'm connecting this tether to you," Bree informed her brother as she did so. "It'll keep you connected to the station so you don't drift off."
"That's a funny word: 'Tether.'Tether. Tether." The door into space opened and Adam was sent out. His comm system turned on, but he wasn't saying anything intelligent. "Te--Te-- T- T- T- T- Tether. Tetherrrrrr. Tether. T- T- T- T- T-- Tether. Tether. Tether. Tether, tether, tether, tether, tether. Tether. Tether, tether, tether."
"Adam, just find the panel," I sighed.
"Oh, I found it!" There was the sound of heavy metal being bent, and Adam using his heat vision, and then Adam spoke again. "I did it! I did it!" There was a sizzling noise. "Uh oh..."
"Adam, what's wrong?" Bree cried into her headset. Adam drifted past the large window, holding up a frayed and seared tether. "Oh no, his heat vision seared the tether. He's drifting out into space!"
"Uh, Bree, Skai, we have another problem." We looked to see an asteroid hurtling towards Adam.
"Adam, look out!" I cried. I could hear him screaming through the head set.
"Just use your super strength to punch it apart!" Chase reasoned. His brother did just that and the asteroid split into tiny rocks.
"Ow!" Bree ran off to where the helmets were and began putting one on.
"What are you doing?" Chase asked her.
"I've got to go save him. There;s another tether. Skai, help me put this on." I did as she said and then hugged her, wishing her luck on rescuing Adam. "I can float out to him and pull him in."
"All right," Chase sighed. "Look, just be safe out there, okay?" Bree stepped out into deep space and began floating towards Adam, tether still firmly anchored to the ship.
"Adam, hold on. I'm coming." Bree drifted closer to her brother.
"Hold on to what?" Bree reached her arm out, but she couldn't grab Adam, and the tether had stretched as far as it could.
"I can't reach him. The tether's too short!"
"Did you bring a stick?" I rolled my eyes at Adam's question. "It's not going to work. I'm drifting away!"
"Wait!" Chase spoke up. "Maybe I could use my molecular kinesis to bring him closer to you."
"Chase, you can't control it! What if we go flying off into space?" I could understand why Bree was so concerned.
"Already doing it," Adam piped in. "I say go for it."
"I'll help Chase," I spoke up, stepping forwards slightly. Chase and I both held out our arms, and using our minds, attempted to move Bree closer to Adam.
"Come on!" Bree cried.
"It's not working," Chase caved. "Maybe it doesn't work on people."
"Chase, don't give up!" I urged. "Try harder, it's our last hope." Chase relaxed, and slowly, Bree began inching closer to Adam. "A little more... a little more... Stretch!"
"I got him!" Bree cried as her and Adam's hands linked.
"Yes! Who's the molecular kinesis master?" Chase began celebrating, causing Adam and Bree to bounce up and down.
"Chase!" The three of us cried, snapping him out of it. Bree and Adam floated back into the station, and the four of us entered the shuttle and flew back towards Earth. As soon as the shuttle was steady, Chase spoke.
"Skai, I owe you an apology. I'm always giving you flack, and today you helped me save Adam and Bree's lives. I may not fully trust you, but I think I trust you a little more now. I'm sorry for always yelling at you." I smiled lightly and some of my blue, curly hair fell between my vision.
"Thanks, Chase."

"Are you guys there?" Mr. Davenport asked as we walked into the lab, face looking at the screen.
"Yup, right here," I replied, dropping the mission bag with our space suits on the floor. He jumped a bit and looked at the four of us in surprise.
"Oh... Hello..."
"Where have you been?" Chase cried.
"You totally abandoned us," Bree added. "And the entire mission."
"Adam floated out into space and almost became the world's dumbest satellite. And he would have if I hadn't have stumbled upon my molecular kinesis." Chase paused after he realized what he had just said. "Oh... also I stumbled upon my molecular kinesis."
"How did you find out about that?"
"I think the more important question is how could you have not told me about this?"
"Uh, Mr. Davenport, what other abilities do I have? Because I vote for the ability to look into the future and see myself far, far away from all of... this." Bree gestured to her three brothers. Mr. Davenport sighed.
"Yes, it's- it's true, you all have abilities you don't know about. But I can't tell you what they are or when they'll appear."
"Why not?" Adam asked with wide eyes.
"Because I don't know what they all are or when they'll appear."
"What do you mean you don't know?" Chase asked angrily.
"Look, there are certain things I can't tell you right now, but it's for your own good. Strange things will continue to happen, and I promise eventually I will give you the answers you're looking for. But for now, you just have to trust me."
"But, Mr. Davenport-"
"Please, I need you to trust me. And you have to be careful who you allow into your lives. We had a close call today. Marcus found the lab."
"What?" I asked, concerned. My interest was suddenly piqued towards this conversation that had nothing to do with me.
"Hmm... Who would have guessed that Marcus coming here would lead to bad things? I'll tell you. It's Mr. Tiny McLittlestein! Right here!" Leo pointed to himself in victory and I rolled my eyes.
"We're just lucky I came down when I did, or he could have discovered all of our secrets." Mr. Davenport turned back to his work, a silent signal to dismiss us. I walked upstairs and fell onto my bed.
Marcus... you couldn't have found the lab based on luck...
Who are you?

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