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I spent a few hours ringing round dentist's,i despise going no matter who my dentist is but its one of those things in life that you have to do no matter how much you hate them it just has to be done.I found one about 10 minutes drive from where i live,i hesitated but the receptionist seemed really nice and says the dentist is too.Im always in doubt as everyone seems overly nice until you meet them face to face. Guess i made the first step into sorting out my teeth though -my smile is awful,infact pretty sure you could fit a bus in between my front teeth,i made an appointment for this afternoon in the hope i'd find some excuse like hanging with friends..oh wait i have very few right now.

By the time 3 o'clock came for my appointment,i'd grabbed my keys and got there in time to fill in all the registration forms i needed to.The receptionist the usually stuck-up sort no where near how she had sounded on the phone.I wasnt overly keen on sitting in the waiting room as it felt like i was on death row waiting for my turn to be called plus the smell of disinfectant was thick in the air and that always made me feel sick.i was told i was seeing a female dentist,which was strange because i'd only ever known dentists to be male,i'd never had a female dentist maybe this could make things slightly easier and more comfortable for me.

A door to the left of the waiting room opened and a tall lady with long brown hair called me in.Taking deep breathes i got out of my seat and walked towards the room everything felt fuzzy,i really wished i'd of had someone to bring with me rather than have to face this on my own the more steps i took towards the room the more nervous i was getting,if only i'd have taken Niall's offer i may have been able  to got to his dentist then maybe he could of attended with me for support,but no i chose to ride this solo and this is what im going to have to do.

Sitting in the chair,i explained to my dentist who i had found out went by the name of ''Dr. Anne Twist''everything that worried and concerned me,she went through all the treatment options available to me and told me i would needed to have a couple of fillings and 2 teeth taken out before she could refer me to an orthodontist.She suggested due to my anxiety i go under sedation so that i am not aware of what is going on while i have my treatment,This kinda scares me as i cannot be in complete control of myself if im not even aware whats happening to me.On the other hand i guess its a good thing as it'll get it done quicker and my smile will be much better once my teeth are fixed.

Leaving the dentist and on the way home i start to think about Anne..she looks...familiar,those eyes iv most definetely seen before,Deep Emerald Green eyes..but where have i seen them?

A/n: Uneditted..cause lazy and i dont think anyones reading anyway lol

2 votes for next chapter =] the next chapter will be all iv written up to il then decide whether i'll carry on writing this or il delete it x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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