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In my description I described America and Maxon possible two of the most amazing and intriguing people in the book world. Just when you think their lives are perfect and everything turns out right, they have Eadlyn. Eadlyn the next in line for the throne is the most annoying person in the whole world. She is bratty she's whinny she thinks she's superior to everyone else. I mean how could Maxon and America have such a horrible child. When she hears there will be a new selection and she must choose a groom even though she wants to choose her own life she isn't even giving it a chance. In my opinion what kinda of person doesn't want to be in the same room with 35 eligible not to mention quite handsome men. Princess Eadlyn is not as bratty and quite nice around Kyle I think he is a good influence on Eadlyn. Then when she started bossing around Ahren why wouldn't he elope with his love and the heir to France after his twin the only person in the world that is supposed to understand him tells him to "consider" finding a new girlfriend. I mean what kind a of person does that. Then when Ahren leaves for France America has a heart attack from the shock. So what I am trying to say is Eadlyn ruined the selection!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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