Aries: taking a run around the block or out at the clubs/bar.
Taurus: heads to the fridge for a midnight snack and then binge-watches Netflix.
Gemini: in bed texting away.
Cancer: making out or looking through a scrapbook/memory box.
Leo: drinking wine and painting or practicing a speech or maybe perfecting a look.
Virgo: being kept awake by their thoughts or reorganizing their whole home.
Libra: indulging in their guilty pleasure via book, fan fic, show, or movie.
Scorpio: endlessly scrolling away on the internet or stalking someone ;P
Sagittarius: sneaking out of the house or aimlessly driving (or both).
Capricorn: taking a midnight stroll or working and working until... it is time to go back to work.
Aquarius: trolling or kicking back.
Pisces: writing in their journal or stargazing.
zodiacs - book 2
Randomread zodiacs - book 1 Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces. found on tumblr.