Into the woods

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                                                        I ran through the field as fast as I could, dress torn and boots in good use. I could hear the horses fast approaching and I knew soon they would catch up and I'd be caught. I stared at the tree line of the forest Just a few feet ahead, "gotta make it..."  I whispered, huffing and puffing as I went.
                                                       I heard the horses behind me, and the gaurd yelling at me to stop, it was now or never. Ahead was a deep crevice, two foot wide and it surrounded the whole forest. I was fast approaching it. I took as many deep breathes as I could and clutching onto the bag in my arms I jumped, flying over the deadly crevice.
                                                    I let out a gasp of relief as I landed and rolled on the ground at the tree line of the forest. I quickly regained my strength and got up, rushed into the forest and didn't look back. The two men after me wouldn't follow me here, it's the most dangerous place known to my people and it took me three days of hiding and running to cross the border and into this forest.
I looked around as I walked through the roofed forest, birds singing and locusts humming. 
                                                 Looking down I noticed the bag in my arms and smiled, "At least I was able to bring you..." I opened the lavender dyed bag and pulled out a small box. I opened it and out popped a tiny wooden owl on a spring, and a tiny tune played. "Lada-dada-dum.. dum da, da, da..." I hummed along and when the song was over I closed the box and froze, noticing something eerie. It was completely silent, no birds, no bugs... nothing. A twig snapped and I turned around quickly to find a large wolf, snarling at me. It's snarl was silent but the way it's teeth were bared and the way it snapped meant it was trying to say something, some sort of bark or growl but nothing came from the wolf. It was mute somehow.
                                                        It drew closer and closer and I slowly put the box in the bag, holding it in my arms again. I was defenseless so how was it supposed to fight back let alone run from a wolf that's much faster than me. "Easy boy..." I held up one hand towards the wolf. He snapped at it, but I didn't pull away. "Easy... you w-wouldn't hurt a harmless girl, n-now would you?" I smiled as I saw the wolf's snarl dissipate. He stared at me, no emotion except curiosity filling his large dark eyes. Suddenly the canines mouth opened and it spoke, "No, I wouldn't." 

                                                My eyes grew wide as I tried to stay calm. I didn't actually expect a response from it, much less human words. "O-Oh well that's really good to know, haha!" I smiled, shock slowly disappearing and excitement filling it's place. "So.. um... thank you for not murdering me.. heh.. um," I started to get up but the wolf began to growl once again. I stopped and sat back down. "S-sorry.." I held onto my bag tightly, but soon noticed the wolf was staring at it. "What's in the bag.." I quickly opened the bag and pulled out the box to show him. "What is that?" He nudged it with his nose then looked up at me. I smiled and opened the box, letting the wooden owl spring up and the tune begin to play. I watched as the wolf stared at the box, then it looked at me. 
                                        He turned and began to walk off, but I quickly spoke up. "H-hey wait! Do you know the way to other side of the the forest?" I asked, reaching a hand out towards him, too scared to get up. The wolf kept walking and disappeared behind some bushes. A flash of red light appeared from behind the Bush and I watched as a tall, musclar, masked man in red came from behind the bush where the wolf went.  My jaw dropped, and I stuttered as the confusion set in. "Y-y-you j-just-" the man squated infront of me, and held out his hand. "The names Aaron..." I looked at his hand and was debating on whether to take it or not.

                                          "I won't bite... not you at least." I looked up at him, he had black scruffy hair and stubble from a recently shaved beard, and a red piece of cloth that wrapped around his eyes and head. I then looked down and took his hand, he assisted me up and I smiled. "Thank you. My name is Aphmau..." The man turned and began walking away in a different direction. "Hey wait, where are you going?" I followed him and he replied, "you wanted to know how to get to the otherside of the forest. right?" His voice seemed so stern but yet had a nice calm feel. "Y-yes.." He then nodded and continued walking forward, and I followed behind. Seems my journey has just begun..

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