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Hoseok had turned towards the back of the class where Hyungwon sat. They were changing meaningful looks and raised eyebrows over Hyunwoo who sat in between them, calculating the quadratic functions like crazy. He was kind of a nerd. Especially in math.

"Hoseok, I know Hyungwon is handsome but you won't learn anything by looking at him so turn back this way", their teacher said.

The connection between the two guys was so clear that even their teachers and classmates noticed it.

"I was just telling him how to solve this", Hoseok explained really unconvincingly.

"Hyungwon, if you don't know something, raise your hand and I will come help you", the teacher started walking around the class, looking how everyone were doing. Hoseok turned back to his friend.

"You're still coming to my place tonight after the game?" Hoseok asked trying to keep his voice low even though he didn't really care if they ended up in trouble for talking in class.

Hyungwon nodded, following the teacher who was slowly coming closer to them so he could pretend to be doing something when the teacher would pass.

"Good. I told mom to buy food for us", Hoseok turned right way around and quickly wrote the function down as the teacher walked past them. He turned back making Hyunwoo between them to sigh as he had to move to see on the board.

"Please tell me you didn't ask for ramen."

"Can't promise that", he smiled, knowing that it was annoying Hyungwon.

"Come on, why you always want to eat that!" Hyungwon groaned maybe a little too loudly.

"I haven't heard you complain about it before", Hoseok pouted, not knowing that the teacher was walking towards them after Hyungwon's raised voice. "You don't like it anymore?"

"Your seat is now there", teacher interrupted them and pointed at the empty desk in the middle of a group of girls.

"You know this won't change anything?" Hoseok stood up and took his stuff.

"Just go", the teacher made him walk faster.

And that's how they were separated again like in almost every class.


In lunch they had some soup that tasted like shit so no one ate and they were all gathered on the basketball field again. The central radio was playing Infinite's Bad and it really motivated Hoseok as he was trying to beat Hyungwon, Kihyun and Minhyuk.

He chose to pass them from Hyungwon's side because he was sure that the said boy wouldn't prevent him so harshly.

He was wrong.

Hyungwon showed a whole new side of himself as he tackled Hoseok, took the ball and dunked it to the basket as the song reached its chorus.

"What was that", Hoseok complained getting up from the ground and wiping dirt off his shorts. He was sure falling a lot these days. All the other guys were clapping and cheering.

Hyungwon bounced the ball few times. "That was me defeating you", he sat next to Jooheon.

"Aish, this is not fair."

"I got that on video", Changkyun announced showing his phone to others. "I'm going to make a mixtape of this", he repeated the part of Hoseok falling to the ground and letting out a grunt over and over.

Hoseok was frustrated. "For this good, you'll have to massage me when we get to class. I'm totally sore from yesterday." he said sitting next to Hyungwon.

no homo tho #hyungwonhoWhere stories live. Discover now