Who's it going to be

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It was a beautiful day, the golden hue glimmering in the sky and the waves moving side to side with a creative sound. Nothing could be better than taking a break away from life and just relaxing at the beach. I kicked my shoes off and ran into the sand dipping my feet into the cold crystal water. Each wave circling around my toes and ankle lifting them up one by one. "Hey, is this seat taken?" A cute boy with a lip piercing asked me. "No." I smiled back at him. I looked into the water, everyone smiling and having a good time. While I just sat there and read my book. Another boy came along except he had black hair. He was cute. Both of them were actually. "Who's your friend?" The new guy asked. "What?" I questioned him. "I didn't introduce myself. I'm Luke and this is Daniel. What's your name?" Luke asked. "Y/N." Daniel smiled and said "Such a beautiful name." "Thank you." I smiled back. It was really sweet. "So why aren't you in the water?" Luke questioned. "Just thought I wasn't in the mood." They both smirked, looked at eachother and pushed me into the freezing cold water. "What the hell?!" I yelled. I climbed out of there letting my hair soak through and my clothes being nothing but covered in wetness. "Sorry. We had to." Daniel said. I rolled my eyes and walked into the locker room. Luke followed behind. "Hey baby." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "I don't know you like that so don't think you can just come around calling me your baby." He looked down at the floor, "Sorry." He looked back up at me begging for forgiveness but I couldn't stay mad. "Why are you interested in me or something?" "Just thought you could use some affection." He smiled. "Okay."

"Do you want to go out to lunch with me sometime? I'll pay." "Sure." I smiled. He handed me a piece of paper with his number. "See you then." And waved goodbye.

Chapter two;

I was so excited to see Luke today, even though I only just met him. He's perfect. I think that we would make a great couple. "Hey!" I texted him. "Meet me by the park bench, I need to see you :)" He texted back. Okay well I'm not going to look like trash so I'll at least try to look nice. When I arrived, Luke looked a bit nervous. But he was with Daniel. "Hey beautiful." Luke mumbled the words out of his mouth. I smiled with a "hey." I sat down and they both talked to me. "So I was wondering.." "Yeah?" I replied. "No stop, don't go any further. Seriously I'm done!" Daniel yelled. He walked off in anger and punched the wall. "Will you excuse me for a second?" Luke asked. "Of course."

Lukes P.O.V

"What's your problem skip?" He pounded his fist into the wall harder and stronger. "YOU ALWAYS GET THE GIRL YOU WANT. BECAUSE THEY FALL FOR YOUR LOOKS BUT ME, I DON'T STAND A CHANCE!" He burst his anger out. "Skip... " "NO DON'T SKIP ME! IM TIRED OF IT ALWAYS BEING ABOUT YOU LUKE. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" He walked off completely pissed and I felt nothing but bad. "Hey sorry about that...." I awkwardly said to y/n. "I heard everything." She responded. I gulped down "You did?" "Yes and I didn't think that after one day you were both interested in me. I have go... See you."

Well that went well. She hates me now, you can see the rage in her eyes. I guess I'll have to wait another year or two until someone else comes along. Sigh.

Your P.O.V

What was that about? Daniel said Luke always gets the girl he wants, but I didn't realize I was his girl? Was that what he was trying to ask me? FUCK. I screwed up. "Luke, I'm sorry.." "What why? I thought you hated me." No what? Omg. "How could I ever?" I sent back. "I don't know. But I think you should talk to skip, here's his number."

To Skip;

Hey it's y/n.. I heard the whole conversation with you and Luke.

From Skip;

Shit you did? I'm so embarrassed now..

To Skip;

Don't be! It's kind of cute how you said what you said.

From Skip;

Go outside and walk down the street, take a turn and meet me by the fountain.

To Skip;



"There you are." He smiled. "Here I am." "You look beautiful in the moonlight." "As do you." He laughed and posed "I know." "So why'd you ask me over here?" He paused for a moment "I just wanted to see you." "Aw okay. Well I have to get home, text me?" "Will do."

Daniels P.O.V

There's something about her, she makes me nervous. She's so damn beautiful. I have to ask her out before Luke does. It's a must. But I have to plan it all first.

Lukes P.O.V

I had a surprise for y/n. I knew she was going to the park for a celebration so I brought my gutair and a blindfold. There she was looking as stunning as ever. "Surprise." I said gripping my hands on her waist. "You scared me." She gasped. I couldn't ho but chuckle. "I want to show you something." I intertwined her fingers with mine and sat her down by the fountain skip and I always go to. I sang her a song I spent all night writing. Fuck.

Your P.O.V

"I know this is sudden, we only met three days ago. But I feel like I'm in love with you. And I won't find another girl like you..ever. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. "Yes!" I ran straight up and hugged him. Luke is my boyfriend. But what will Daniel do? I have to somehow find a way.. To get him a girlfriend before he gets hurt.

"See you later cupcake." He grabbed his gutair and ran back to his house. I enjoyed the celebration. Luke and I spent many days together as a couple without skip knowing about us. Until one night, something bad happened.

My phone lit up and the text read "I need to talk to you." It was from Daniel (Skip) I met him where he told me too and he handed me a note. "I couldn't say this to you in person so I wrote it here instead, open it." I did so. And it read;

"Y/N. I don't know but I wanted to do this before Luke did. I actually am in love with you and I feel like I can be myself. I haven't felt this way towards anyone before and I really want you to be my girlfriend. What do you say?" I dropped my jaw and looked at him with watery eyes. I felt so bad.

"So?" "Daniel..." And just in that very moment, he crashed his lips onto mine roughly.

End of chapter two. (To be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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