Love and War

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My breathing had become hard and ragged. There was nothing but darkness around me. I was waiting. Waiting for my dad to come back and tell me that everything was fine now, that we can continue on our journey. Loud, long moans came from somewhere nearby, and made me catch my breathe and tighten my grip on my bow.

As far as i knew zombies couldn't open doors, but they had hardly any problems breaking them down. I reached for an arrow from the quiver that was slung across my back. The footsteps of what had to be a zombie, judging by the sound it made, were getting closer to the room i was hiding in. I stood up, positioning the arrow in my bow, just as the footsteps were right outside the door. Suddenly there was a scream, and I froze.

The scream definitely wasn't a woman's, which means it could be my dad. It took all i had to stop myself from rushing out there to find the source of the scream. I knew from experience that doing that could mean instant death. Besides the number of arrows i had was getting low. The arrow I had at now was already covered in blood. The footsteps had long since faded away by now, so i decided to sneak out and find where that scream came from.

I had my bow ready as i glided down the hallway to the stairs, passing the elevator on the way. I couldn't risk taking it, even if i was sure it worked. Lights and bell noises were a sure way to attract a zombie. I walked down a flight of stairs and ended up on the first floor. Not at all to my surprise, there was blood splattered across the walls. I followed a trail to an open doorway and had to stifle a scream at what i saw.

A zombie wearing a tattered plaid shirt and torn jeans was leaning over a body of a man, stuffing it's face with the man's intestines. I couldn't see his face, but I could tell by the old boots he was wearing that the man was indeed my dad. Tears filled my eyes, but I didn't have time to cry now. The zombie had heard me enter and turned towards me.

His silver glazed over eyes stared at me as he let out a combination of a moan and a shriek. Before he could make a move towards me though, I sent an arrow flying into his skull, splattering blood and probably brains against the back wall. The zombie fell to the ground, motionless while I ran to my dad.

"Daddy...," I whispered as tears started falling down my face.

His ice blue eyes stared up at me blankly. The tears came down harder. In one of his hands was his favorite dagger which he obviously pulled out to use, but never got the chance. In the other hand was a quiver full of arrows. He had left me to scout out the hotel rooms for more supplies. We were gonna need more for where we were going. He must of found them while he was searching. He told me that was his main thing to look for.

"We can't leave you defenseless, now can we," He said when I asked him to please not go. The bow and arrow was what I was best at. I loved it ever since my fourteenth birthday when he got me my first bow. That all happened before the appocolyspe started though. Back then it was just a hobbie now it's how I survive.

My fourteenth birthday was definitely my most memorable because it was the last birthday i had before all of this started. I could still hear my dad instructing me on how to hold the bow. I'll never forget when he let me in on his secret of how to hit the target just right every time. Every day afterwards i would be in the yard practicing on my accuracy. While my father was happy to see this, my mother always complained.

"That's not an appropriate past time for a young lady," she'd say. She always wanted me to take dance lessons or join the cheerleading team. She would say that what i was doing was a complete waste of time. Well this complete waste of time hobby is what kept me alive this long.

So what did she care about it anyway? She was the one who left me and my dad and ran off to the West coast. She told me that she was having a hard time and that she just "had to get away from all this." She promised she would come back in a week tops, she didn't come back. I don't even know if she's alive right now.

When my fifteenth birthday rolled around my dad promised when this was all over we would have one huge celebration just me and him to make up for all the birthdays and parties missed. Now though, there's just me. Dad's gone.

something warm and sticky brought me back to my senses. Dad's blood was spreading and was now coating my fingers. I looked at his face one more time before closing his eyes, kissing his forehead and standing up. I raised my bow aiming for his temple. Everyone knew that once you died, by a bite or any natural cause that the disease spread to your brain causing you to change into one of those things.

Everyone is infected and until there is a cure, they'll always be more of those things. Even though my dad is dead his brain is still intact so he could change. I knew for a fact that my dad would rather be zombie food than become one of Satan's spawn. I took a deep breathe, and let the arrow go flying.

It sank into his skull with a sickining sound. I bent down, barely glancing at my dad as i retrieved the quiver of arrows, the dagger, and the arrow in my dad's head. I just felt like sinking to my knees, but barely had time as i heard someone grunt and fall followed by two loud long moans.

Might as well help this person. I mean what do i have to loose? My father is dead, my mother is gone and i'm all alone.

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