Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I packed my stuff as slowly as possible. I was trying to stall for time, to come up with a way out, but inside I knew that the decision was final.

After 7 years my uncle decides to show up and adopt me. When I first walked into the office I had no idea what to expect.

Mrs. Taxon introduced the old man. His name was Reynold Johnson. By what he was wearing I could tell he has a decent amount of money. He was wearing a dark black suit with a long leather jacket over it. His shoes looked to be designer dress shoes and were very well polished. His face slightly resembled that of his sister, my mother. The biggest diffrence being the oddly shaped nose.

His mouth was formed into what seemed like a permanent scoul, the wrinkles and frown lines proved my observation correct.

Mrs. Taxon told me to have a seat. We discussed where he lived, if he could take care of me finacially, and that kind of stuff. He seemed to pass "test" and Mrs. Taxon gave a him a formidable pile of paperwork to fill out. I was sent to pack in the meantime and now here I am, stuck between a rock and an uncle.

About a half-hour later, Mrs. Taxon came in to get me and bring me down to my uncle. When we got outside a very nice limo was sitting in the driveway of the orphanage. A young man was waiting by the door of the car and held it open while I got in.

He closed it behind me and I look around and find myself face to face with my uncle. He still had that scowl on his face. I was really starting to worry about his health. Scowling this long must cause some kind of damage to your face.

"Nice ride." I say. He just nods and turns the other way. The limo starts and next thing I know we're on the highway, heading away from the Bronx, and the orphanage. I stare out the window as the concrete of New York City disappear and turns into meadows and open fields of grass.

After about 3 hours of driving, the limo pulls of onto a street, no wait, a DRIVEWAY. I can see in the distamce a huge house. Once we arrive I get out of the car and just stare in awe at the building. The mansiom is a goldish white color and reminds me a little of the white house. It had large pillars lining the front. A small flight of stairs led up to the entrance.

At that moment a man burst through the door to the house and stands ay the top of the stairs. He is wearing a tux and looks to be a butler.

"Jameson, please bring Miranda's things upstairs." My uncle instructs the man. Jameson, I presume, imediatly takes my one bag and disappears into the house. I marvel again at it's beauty.

"You like it?" My uncle asks. This is the first time he's spoken directly at me. I'm stunned and don't know how to respond and utter a simple "Uhh... Yeah." His face seems to soften for an istance then returns to a scowl. He needs to get that checked!

He leads me up the stairs and inside. The second I step in, my jaw drops. The exterior of the house was nothing compared to its interior. There was a grand staircase in the middle of the room. It forked into 2 hallways at the top. Doors lined the walls on all sides of this room. A red velvet carpet lined the stairs, and to top it all off, a big golden chandeleer swung above the staircase.

We walk upstairs and take the hallway to the right. We stop at the last door. He opens the door and leads me in. Th room is average size. It contains a bed, a desk with a laptop and lamp atop it, a window, and a dresser/beauro.

"This will be your bedroom." My uncle says, "Unpack and get comfortable. I will send for you at dinner in a half hour." He takes one more look around, then walks out closing the door behimd me. I start to unpack my clothes and am done in a few minutes, I don't own much.

I decide to sit and wait. After five minutes of this I get bored and decide to explore the house. I walk out of the room to bump into Jameson, the butler.

"Time for dinner Ms. Newton." He says leading me away.

My exploring will have to wait.

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