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Wait what. What did he say? Runaway?




I have to think about it....


Did he say runaway? What about our parents? I dont think they will approve of this. I dont want him to think I dont want to go but I won't want to leave him alone. Ugh. What should I do?



Can you ask if you can stay here?

The whole point of running away is so that we can be together without our parents knowing.

Where will we live? What will we eat? Have you thought about that?

Umm no but...

I'll have to think abit more but do you really have to go?

Ye.. Yes...

Why is life such an ass? I dont want to say goodbye because where's the good in goodbye? If only he could stay...



Can I leave with Michael?

I told her everything. It could have been a mistake but I'm glad I made the choice to tell her.



I... I... I... I love you...


I've known you since we were 10 and I've been in love with you ever since then. The way you talk about Josh is beautiful but it hurts me when you say things only about him. I know its very sudden and I dont expect you to leave with me so I'm just saying this... I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART... I know we were not meant to be but I... I... I cannot not love you... I've tried but I can't because your my everything. You set my heart on fire. I asked you to runaway with me because I can't live without you. If your not coming I'm just gonna say it... Goodbye...

Wait... I... I ... I love you too... I would love to runaway because without you I'm nothing. Your better than Josh your the best...

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