chapter 1: Betrayed

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This is was first story hope you like it. It’s not my first ever but it was the first i published on fanficiotion so yeah.

Me: Hidan say hi

Hidan: hello I really don’t wanna fuckin’ be here.

Me: Hidan that’s not nice!

Hidan: whatever

Me: Hidan just say the disclaimer

Hidan: ToraKU does not own Naruto or any of the characters in this story. If she did Sakura would fall in love with one of the Akatsuki members.

Me: And on to the story

Chapter 1: Betrayed

“Run come on legs don’t fail me now,” I said as I ran from the Anbu chasing me as fast as my legs could go.

“Sakura Haruno, if you stop running we won’t have to hurt you,” one of the Anbu yelled.

“I won’t stop running not after what you assholes from the leaf did to me,” I yelled, picking up speed. My eyesight was fading, and fast. I turned around, facing the Anbu that were about 150 yards away from me. I made 3 hand signs, placed my hands on the ground, and yelled, “Earth Style: Earth Shattering Abyss!” The ground beneath the Anbu started to crumble and crack. Then with one big rumble the ground beneath them split in half completely, making a 20 ft wide abyss. The Anbu fell right in. The Abyss had to be at least 2 miles deep. The chances of the Anbu getting out let alone surviving the fall were slim.

The jutsu I just used was one I made up myself. No one in the Leaf Village ever taught me any useful fighting jutsu so I had to make up my own with no help whatsoever. I only had time to make one jutsu before my own teacher’s stupidity ruined my life…

I was coming back from training happy that I had successfully made one jutsu all on my own, when the Anbu came to get me.

“Sakura Haruno, the Hokage wants to see you at the hospital immediately,” said one of the Anbu.

“I’ll head over there right away, Arigatou,” I said as I turned to head over to the hospital.

When I got there Shizune was at the entrance waiting for me. “Sakura, you’re finally here, good follow me and I will explain,” Shizune said, leading me down many hallways in the hospital.

“Ok so, Lady Tsunade thinks that she has found a way to awaken a kekkei genkai in anyone that has one. She hasn’t tested it on anyone yet so you will be the first to get the shot,” Shizune said as she handed me a clipboard with all the the information about the shot on it. I looked it over, and just finished when we entered the room Tsunade was in.

“Milady, your using a dangerous amount of chemicals, if my calculations are correct, then whatever part of the the body the kekkei genkai affects, the muscles and nerves of the part will deteriorate at a rapid speed eventually rendering that part useless.

Tsunade just smiled and said, ”don’t worry you’ll be fine .” She then had me lay down on the bed in the room asnd gave me the shot. After the shot they put me to sleep to let the medicine work its magic.

When I woke up the next day my eyes hurt a little, but other than that I felt fine.

“Sakura, your eyes,” Shizune exclaimed! “Lady Tsunade, Naruto come in here quickly,” Shizune yelled!

“What is it Shizune,” Tsunade asked running into the room with Naruto following.

“She has the sharingan,” Naruto said in shock.

Tsunade looked at my eyes while I just sat there in shock. “Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Mangekyo,” Tsunade said as she looked at my eyes. Then the world blurred a little and my eyes started to burn. I had been right, and now I was going to go blind because my shishou was an idiot. I then saw a string of numbers and images in my head and gacve a blood curdling shriek.

“My eyes,” I yelled as I jumped up and a stumbled over to the window, holding my head.

“Sakura what’s wrong,” Tsunade asked as she walked towards me.

“S-stay away from me, don’t touch me. This is all your fault now I’m going to go blind,” I shrieked as I jumped out the second story window of the hospital.

That was how it happened. And now I’m running for my life searching for the only people who can help me now. Itachi Uchiha and the Akatsuki.

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