lets start new

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I look out the taxi window excitement boiling threw me. I take a deep breath and realise my hands from there own grip. Finding them sweaty I wipe them on my shorts. I'm wearing a black shirt with neon green strips on the sleeves and base, and a pair of shorts torn at the thigh and neon green tights. My beanie slides over my eyes and I quickly move it back to its position on my head. "Are you going to get out" I here the taxi driver call. I jump in surprise and I realize we have stopped. I climb out paying the driver and I shake slightly. It's summer but it's cooler from the rain from this morning. The grounds still wet and it takes a secound to take my eyes to adjust to the lighting. I see a shadow of someone standing against a wall and my heart stops. My eyes adjust and I see it's him. I step forward but stop hesitantly. Continuing forward collecting myself and reminding myself to not act like a fool. I approach the figure his blue eyes catch mine and I melt. The black hair covering one of those eyes moves with his head showing the elusive other eye for a split second. His black t shirt has a figure I soon realize to be the man from my favorite album from my chemical romance. His studded belt holds up a pair of black skinny jeans And a wallet chain. He looks at me chewing lightly on his lip piercing and my heart stops ones more. "Uh... hey Alissa" he says kinda shyly and I look around as if there was someone else but finding just me i reply with a slight wave. Again trying to start a conversation he continues. "So how long has it been...what 2 years" I nod and smile slightly. "Yeah I haven't seen you in forever" he chuckles. "How's college been" I laugh with him. "Like most colleges my roommates kinda weird but he's alright" he laughs.

He holds out his hand and I reach for it it's warm and I curse to myself about how sweaty my hand is. He starts to walk and leads me to a door. I see a big burly man at the door. He nods at the man next to me. "Go on in Max" He pulls me into the room and bright lights flash by my eyes then it's dark.It's quiet so far and we walk threw the crowd. Most people have ripped t shirts like me and black jeans. I bump into some large guy with a mohawk and a leather jacket. He looks over his shoulder then moves closer to a girl with red hair and black skinny jeans. She laughs and pokes him then they vanish into crowd. I smile holding Max's hand. "So you own this club" I say in amazement. "Yeah" He smiles. "My friends helped me put it together most of them have new jobs now" I nod Looking around. A girl walks over giggling then hands me a drink. I look at it suspiciously then take a sip. I cough finding its some strong alcohol and set it on an empty spot. Looking over Max is laughing. I punched him lightly in the shoulder. "I'm not used to strong stuff" I say making a pretend angry face and then start laughing.

Max sits down at group of chairs patting the seat next to him. I sit down. "So Alissa do you like it". I look up lost in thought. "Like what" He grins and moves his hand around the club. I look around then smile brightly. "Like it, I love it! It's so cool. Didn't you say you had a surprise for me?" He grins. "Yep it will be a few minutes but I'm hoping you will love it" I smile. Then he looks around. "Um so do you want a drink" I nod. "Sure" He stands up quickly leaving me to look around.

Some guy walks over to me. He has red orange hair and nose piercing. He looks at me then winks. "Hey what's up" I look at him confused and he continues. "Yeaaah I come here often" He stretches. "I'm kinda well known" I raise my eyebrows. "Uhuh" He nods. "Yes sir I'm pretty popular" I chuckle lightly just as Max returns and the guys eyes widen and he quickly turns and walks away. I bust out laughing. It's now Max's turn to raise his eyebrow. "That guy tho" I continue laughing. Max smiles and sits down handing me a blue drink. I take a sip it's ok so I drink some more then set the cup beside me. I lean forward. "Do I get my suprise soon" He nods. "Yep"

The lights go out in the room and then two bright lights turn on from the stage in the front of the room. Max grabs my hand and drags me to the front of the stage and I see the silhouette of some people go out on stage. Then the lights dimmed again and the music starts. My eyes widen and I hear a scream next to me. The girl with red hair is jumping up and down. I look at her smiling. The guy with the mohawk smiles and looks at her. She then jumps up grabbing his arms and hugs it in excitement. I laugh feeling the same as my favorite band starts to play. I sing along with the lyrics and happily hold on to Max. I listen to the music and soon me and the girl are singing together. The mohawk dude starts talking to Max and they seem interested in whatever conversation they were having. The part in the song were the band members scream appears and me and her try and fail to scream with them. Only sounding like wounded pigs. Both the guys laugh at us and we sit talking while the band plays. The music loud and heavy but with amazing. Tunes that make you want to sing and dance along. Make you feel like you could do the same.

Soon me and there girl part ways and I go back with Max.We dance to the music. Then one of their few slower songs turn on. He holds me closely as we dance swaying softly and gently to the music. He talks quietly to me about random things and after a while the song ends and then the normal pace music is back. I walk over to Max and we talk long into the night.

After a while my stomach starts to rumble and I blush in embarrassment. Max asks if I'm hungry and I nod. He takes my hand once more and leads me to a area with tables. There is a bar and i sit at the stool on it. Max looks and me inquiring me to say what I want to eat. I look up at the menu and choose a slice of pizza and a milkshake with a bit of alcohol in it. I ask for them to go light on the liquor. Max gets a burger and a beer and we sit eating the food. The cheese is just the way I like it. When I bite into the pizza it leaves a long string from my mouth to the pizza and the milkshake is cool and creamy. I have a slight buzz but i'm not overly dizzy just a warm feeling threw out my body making me feel more comfortable about my surroundings and with Max.

After dinner me and Max sit on longer chair listening to the music play from smaller bands. As I lay my head to his shoulder his breath is steady but his heart is pounding. I smile thinking about it then wonder if mines the same. As I sit there thinking I feel Max shift and I feel his lips on mine and then before I even realize what happened he's back to me laying on his shoulder. I smile lightly I rub my lips together the feeling of his still there and I feel myself starting to blush and my neck warm up. Maybe from him or the buzz. The music and the sounds of the people blur together. I look up at Max's blue eyes and he looks down at me and we smile at each other. "So how did you like tonight" he says softly. I blush and snuggle deeper into his shoulder. "It was great" I then sit up slightly looking him in the face. He's not far from mine. "How on earth did you get Bring Me the Horizon to play here" He smirks. "I met the lead singer in a club not far away from mine and I helped him out he owed me one" I laugh moving back to his shoulder.

The night is now over I stand in front of Max. Sad that I have to leave but knowing that I will see him again soon. Not in a few years maybe even a few days. I give him a hug then kiss his nose he says goodbye. He helps me into the taxi and kisses me one more time then closes the door. I press my nose against the glass as the taxi drives off. Max laughs at my funny face. I then drive back home waiting and planning when I will see him again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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