Chapter 3

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Chapter III

“Please?” Sunny begged

“No, Sunshine” Felix replied without glancing at her. He bagged his gear and walked straight to the door.

Sunny ran ahead of him and closed the door before he could get there “it’s ‘Sunny’, And what am I suppose to do when you’re out?”

“Go to sleep” Felix said emotionless. “That’s the point why I choose the night shift. Now go to bed” he tried to push her aside but she won’t move.

“No!” Sunny shocked her head like a wet dog

Felix sighs. The more she grows up the more stubborn she gets. “How am I suppose to take you when your own your jammies?”

“I’ll change quickly! I promise” Sunny said and ran upstairs. “Wait for me, OK?” she shouted

Works every time, Felix thought. He stepped outside and closed the door quietly. He took out the keys in his pocket and turned it gently in the lock to avoid making noise. He turns around.

“Done!” Sunny smile right in front of him, all dressed and ready to go.

“How did you?!” Felix said confused, he looked around. Windows are closed, and she couldn’t possibly even make a jump that high, not for a 10 year old. No one passed him when he closed the door. He looked at her again.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” Sunny giggled. “Come on!” she tugged on Felix jacket and pulled him to the street.

“O-Ok” Felix said blankly. How on earth did she get outside that fast? The only window she had in her room is to the backyard and he never heard anyone running down the stairs.

The streets are all quiet and some of the lights inside the houses are turned off. Felix thought so; every Luminous has to stay invisible for the night. One light from their village can attract a Lurid and might discover them. Felix walked silently along the street while Sunny walked beside him, swinging her hand like there’s nothing to be scared of at all. She began humming “Sing sweet, Nightingale” and skipped along.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay at home?” Felix asked her “It’s safer there than staying at the station”

“It’s lonely there all alone” she said. “And that’s not my home” she continued

“What?” Felix looked at her

“You’re my home” she smiled at him and grabbed his hand “So I’m safer with you”

A small smile appeared on Felix’s face. He can’t think of anything to reply on that one. He just started to whistle ‘Sing sweet, Nightingale’ as well and Sunny sang along him.


After minutes of walking they finally reached the station at the other end of town. It’s located at the very edge where no houses is built and the concrete path is about to give in. Some rocks like a rocking chair upon stepping on them and Sunny almost lost her balance. At the end of the path is a small cottage and a block away is the watch tower. Although it’s not as high as any watch tower because this one is only a few feet higher than the trees. Just enough to watch over the entire village.

Upon stepping in front of the doorstep of the cottage Felix searched his pocket for the key. He reached in his pockets but it’s not there. “Where is it?” he whispered to himself.

Sunny looked at him “What are you looking for Felix?”

“My keys, I swear I pocketed it before we left” he said while searching every pocket.

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