for the love of a daughter

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14 years old never understading why my dad left when i was first born

its been months since i talked to him , i never wanna open up to no one

about my dad because i'll cry when ever i hear his name i miss him so much

that i can't stand it , he says he loves me , but even i love you's are starting to sound like a lie,

my thoughts of him are fadeing soon i'll be 18 and i'll never remember him i hope one day he'll come back so my family can be full but he has a new family that must be way batter then the one he had because he would of came back , it hurts me the most knowing that my 2 year old sister breanna will go thorugh the same thing i did cutting herself at the age of 13 because she feels like death is the only way out of it and the baby thats gonna be born in a few mor mths will feel the same way i did , thinking that the reason her dad left is because he does not love her , that she is not good enogh that she wishes she was never even born , me knowing that i won't have my daddy at my wedding to walk me down to my new furture , that my kids will not know there grand father because i really don't even know my own father.....

I'm scared of being love by anyone because my dad left me , im scared that it will happen all over again , i just want my dad home already but knowing he won't just tairs my heart in two

knowing that he thinks my family was never good enogh ,and everyone asks me why i'm always upset why i push everyone that loves me away because i don't want this to happen all over again thats why

all i want you to know dad i love you and miss u and maybe one day you'll caome back but

i can't force you to it's your chocie not mine i hope you make the right one....

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