Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Harrys P.O.V

As I walked into the vender where our concert will be held I saw a glimpse of the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I knew  had to meet her but then she walked out into the crowd and I had to go on stage.

As we were playing I was looking out into the crowd than I saw her in the first row, I pulled her up onto the stage as my solo in 'What Makes You Beautiful' came on and I sang it to her. I told Paul to bring her backstage after the concert.

*2 Hours Later*

Gracelynns P.O.V

As I was walking through the dark backstage hallways I could still here girls screaming "Marry me?" "Have my baby!" "I love you" and the occasional "Hai, s**t get out from back stage they don't want you" and than I saw "Harry Styles" on the front of a door so I knocked. No answer. Knocked again. Still no answer. Then I just gave up and walked in, as I saw the boy of my dreams I was still wondering why he wants to meet me I'm gross no one likes me I have no family...

But than he hugged me and started talking.

"Hi beautiful, what's your name?" Harry said

"Gracelynn, and I obviously know yours!" Gracelynn said

"Id hope, but would you like to come to my flat with me love?"

"Id love to but i have a friend waiting for me"

"Oh, text her and tell her to go back home."

"I cant I have no cell phone."

"Oh babe ill buy you one tomorrow if you spend the night at my flat with me!"

"Sure id love to but can I go find her and tell her?"

"Yah sure babe I don't mind just as along as your back here with me!"

Author's Note: Comment and Vote! Hope you enjoy it and will have a new update soon I hope.

-Iecha Falconer

~Edited by Andrew Falcon(er) (Not siblings, dating) (M4SSC0PY3R)

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