Chapter 10

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My hood was down and I stared at all of them as if I have been exposed. "I-I." I said in horror. Right now, I was too speechless to even speak. Did they think I was dead? Right now, I am guessing so.

Before anything else happened, Mira ran out and hugged me. Natsu stared at me. "Who pulled down my hood?" I ask. Everyone points to Natsu. That guy is totally messed up right now.

"Lucy!" Mira squeals. "I missed you so much!" It seemed that only two people really missed me: Lisanna and Mirajane. I hugged both of them and smiled. Tears started to come down my checks.

"What is going on?" A voice said from behind. It seemed distant and very unusual. I turned around and saw Juvia standing there. All of them stared at her.

"Juvia, where have you been?" Gray asks. "Why haven't you been at the guild in a while?" She sighs, staring at him. It was like she had something else in mind.

"Master gave me a century quest and I took it," she said. "Everyone thought you were dead, love rival." She ran up and hugged me tightly. "I did miss you so much!"

"Everyone, meet my boyfriend, Darkon." I said. "He's the Prince of that kingdom and we come to get revenge on all of you except Mira, Lisanna, Levy, Juvia, Wendy, Carla, and Happy." The rest of them stared at me in horror. "All of you, follow me." They did and I stared at them. "Listen, you're welcome at the palace."

"Um, okay." Mira said. "Where are we supposed to go?" I nod. Darkon steps forward as I think back to that guild. Why was Natsu so confused? Why did Erza not care? She was like a sister to me.

"You are going to the dark island," he said. "Are you ready?" All of them nodded as they followed us through a portal. "You are welcome at anytime."

When we made it, all of them were really amazed. "So, tell me." Levy said. "What are all of the powers again?"

"Dragon slaying, Phoenix slaying, god slaying, devil slaying, demon slaying, and spirit slaying." I said. Mira turned to look at me when I said demon and devil slaying. Why? Because she is part of each of those. But, she is super nice and calm.

"So, you have all of the powers, but in darkness?" Mira asks. I nod, smiling at her. All of them seem to get it right now. "Why did you bring us here?"

"You're the only ones that did not betray me," I said. "So, when we do get revenge, you will not be there and die." I couldn't have said it better myself. Levy, Juvia, Lisanna, Carla, Wendy, Happy, and Mira followed us into different rooms in the palace. All of them were right next to mine. There was one, big bedroom that could fit five, big beds and two small bed for Carla and Happy.

"Thank you," Mira said. "I am guessing it is time for bed." She smiled. "Have a great night." I nod, hurrying away from all of them. I could not defeat Mira and the people who did not betray me. Maybe, it is for the best. Someday, fairy tail will be on its knees to us and trust me, we will make the most powerful dark guild ever.

I followed Darkon to our usual dark place. "I have a question," he says to me. "Do you still want to be evil?" I nod, staring at him. Just then, I had a feeling in my gut. It was that feeling you get when someone was watching you.

"Do you feel that?"

"Yes." He says. "This is weird." I quickly stand up with him by my side and search all around. Who is there? Why are they stalking us? I feel super weird about this. I lean in closer to Darkon and shiver in fear. Whoever is out there, we cannot see. Who is it?

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