Chapter One

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"Raven get your lazy ass down here!" my "father" screamed from downstairs.

(Oh wait, almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is Raven Black Frost. I'm 15 years old and I live with my abusive step-father since my real Dad left when I was a baby and my mother died a year ago. Anyways like bands, I self harm, have severe anxiety, depression, and anorexia... Now back to my story⬇)

"I'll be down in a minute!" I yell as I sit up from my bed.

I get dressed in my usual atire which includes a band tee, my ripped black skinny jeans, and my favorite Of Mice & Men hoodie, then run downstairs to find my step-father.

"Yes?" I say.

"What the fuck took you so long?, I've been sitting here starving because you haven't made my breakfast yet you lazy bitch!" He fumed. He was drunk.. Again.

"I'm sorry, I'll get it made right away Jona-"

"What did I say about calling me that, you are to call me father, is that understood?!!" He yelled as he pushed me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach.

In pain, I nodded immediately and said, "Yes father, right away", then struggling to get up, I made his eggs and left for school.


When I finally arrived, the bell had just rung signaling that I was late to first period; math.

I opened the door as quietly as I could, knowing no one would notice me anyway, and took my seat in the back of the classroom.

As Mr. Brooks talked on about our upcoming final, I slipped in my headphones and listened to the soothing sound of Black Veil Brides.

After what seemed like forever, class was finally dismissed. I gathered my things and began walking to my next class, only to be pulled into the girls bathroom.

I looked up to see Brandi the barbie bitch and her barbie followers.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly.

"Oh look, the freak can talk" she sneered while her friends laughed.

I tried to walk away but she grabbed my hoddie, pulling it off and pushed me to the ground. Her and the other girls kicked my sides, stomped my ankle and hit my face. I cried and pleaded for them to stop, but it only got worse.

"What's wrong emo bitch, you need to go cut for mommy? No one wants you anyway, you might as well kill yourself" she said.

I cried as she threw my hoodie at me and kicked me one more time as she left the bathroom.

I stayed to clean myself up then walked home, knowing it would have only gotten worse if I stayed.


When I arrived at my house there were police cars and ambulances all around.

"What's going on? Is something wrong?" I asked a parrametic.

"The man that lived here, Jonah I think was his name, was found dead due to alcohol poisoning. Did you know him?" She asked.

"H-he was my s-tep d-dad" I barely whispered as I sobbed. I wasn't crying for him, but for me. Where would I go, how would I live?

"I'm very sorry for your loss. Was he the only one here with you?" She asked with pity in her voice.

I nodded and she walked to one of the officers, then they both came to me.

"Do you have any relatives who you could stay with?" He asked.

I shook my head no, I had no one. Not like any of them would have wanted me anyway.

"Well honey, I'm gonna need you to pack your things, and we'll take you down to the orphanage. I'm very sorry for your loss", and he walked away.

I walked up to my room and grabbed my black suit case, making sure I packed everything I would need. I got my four pairs of jeans, six band tee's, my green day hoodie, leggings, vans, beanies, bracelet's, make up, hair and bathroom things, my phone charger, a picture of my mom, and my blades. When I was finished I walked back out to the yard and sat in one of the police cars waiting to be taken away from everything I knew.

"Are you ready to go?" The same officer from before asked.

I nodded, and we left.


When we arrived at the orphanage, I was sickened. Almost everything was pink and it was full of preps who weren't wearing enough clothes. They all glared and scoffed at me, whispering things like,
"Emo fag", or "freak".

A woman who I'm guessing was the head mistress came up to me and said "Welcome to 'Orange County Home For Girls', I'm very sorry for the circumstances of your arrival, but we'll try our best to make you feel welcome" with an obviously fake smile.

"Jane, please show Raven to her room" she said to one of the girls.

So I was taken to my room, then left there. I set my suitcase down next to the twin sized bed and lyed down.

'Welcome to my new life I guess', I thought to myself as I drifted off into a deep sleep.


This is the first chapter of my new fanfic!! What do you guys think? Comment below, I want to know what you think! ☺

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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