Chapter 20

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"Thanks! I'll see you after" Rory says giving me a quick kiss and hopping out the car in excitement, just as always when i drop her off at her classes. I love how excited she gets with things. It puts a smile on my face. I can tell it's really hard for her. Luckily, I know exactly how she feels. I know what it's like being in a new country without knowing anyone. I wish I had someone special to be by my side when I left to America. But nonetheless it wasn't long before I was tripping into the wrong shi once again. Leaving England to fuck up all over again was a waste of time.

"You'll be here right?" She snaps me out my thought. She ducks down as she speaks into the half open window clutching tightly onto her binder full of notes and recipes of sort.

"Of course," I nod.

"You sure you going to okay by your-" she says and I start to shake my head and cut her off.

"I'm a big boy Rory" I wink. "I'll be just fine. I'll wonder like always and be back just in time to pick you up. No need to worry about me silly. I'll be fine" I reassure to the fifth time. She's been asking me what I've been up to lately ever since she had started her classes. I told her honestly, not much, besides seeing my mum, which she knew when I told her a little bit before when I took her to meet her. Other than that, nothing. What else am I supposed to do. I'm still settling in. Nothing's really changed which is a plus, but I don't enough motivation to actually do something while she is occupying herself. Which I assume that's what she is implying. I feel as though she is feeling bad leaving me by myself since I have yet occupy myself with something. But no matter how many times I reassure it that I'm fine by myself since I've been many times she still feels bad. I see it on her face everytime I drop her off and she's about to leave.

"Are sure? I mean I could stop going and then we could do something together, something we both like. I hate that you---"

"Rory, you're rambling. Go on before you're late. Have fun, I'll pick you up after classes are over" I say with a smile.

"Okay" she smiles widely. She turns and begins to walk to the door and I start the engine to head off when she turns back to face me. "Are you sure. I mean this---"

"Rory, Rory, Rory, Rory" I shake my head in laughter. It's like this every time. I swear. "Go on" I say

"Okay" she smiles and heads to the front door.

"Make me a cupcake!" I shout out the window before driving off. From the rearview mirror I watch as she smiles widely and waves to me. I honk my horn twice as signal back and she heads inside. Finally. I think to myself with a smile. I thought she would actually change her mind and actually keep me company. Not that I would mind. Her company is the best. She never fails to amuse me. Hence why I get so bored when she is gone. But the whole reason for the classes was for her to adjust and get out more.

I still drop her off even though I've taught her how to get there and back. But things changed.

I drive down the wet roads since it rained earlier this morning. Typical England weather. However it has been pleasantly sunny these past few days and the forecast said it should be nice the next couple of days. I think it would be nice to take Rory out to the park and maybe have a nice outing and lunch. Scenery never hurt anyone. Plus it's relaxing and calming.

As I drive I kept thinking how this encounter with Zoe would go. I still her remember her late phone call and her talk about these pictures and how I would want to see them. I mean my first thought was this lady is smacked. But I don't know what it was that made myself believe that she was making some sense. I feel like I should have mentioned it to Rory since this does concern her, but I didn't want to bring false hope and I didn't want to make her mad. She was already done with that situation before it even started. She didn't want to deal with it. Especially since she is so sure that she or Zoe doesn't fall into place. So bringing it up to her again will either give her false hope, for even I don't know what to expect, and it could make her upset and mad at me for bringing it up. So I thought it was best to just keep it to myself. At least until I know for sure then I could push it away just like she did. But it's so hard to neglect the resemblance between them. How can you not see something more. Of course it could be a huge coincidence, but what are the odds Zoe is one of them. She mentioned how she move to England after she got married so that could be the reason Rory never really saw her growing up. I mean come on, who really remembers things when they we're five.

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