Chapter 6

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Micheal P.O.V.

Going to my locker I put in my combined and throw my book-bag in. Closing the door I jump when August was standing  behind it.

August: You Micheal right?

Micheal: Yeah..Why?

August: Nicki want me to give this to you

Handing me a packet of papers I realize that it was my history project. Looking up I was going to say Thank You but he was gone. Shaking my head I put the project in my book-bag and start walking outside. Taking out my phone I heard honk at me. Looking up it was my mom in her gold color rang rover. Walking to her car I hope in and belted my seat-belt.

(Micheal Mom)MM:  How was school?

Micheal: It was and Aubrey kinda of got into an argument...again 

MM: About him coming out?

Micheal: Yep but we made up so it all good..

MM: You sure?

Micheal: Yes mama

MM: I just making sure

Micheal: I know. Can we stop and get some Burger King or something?

MM: I was going to cook tonight..

Micheal: Mom you know you can't cook..

MM: I was just joking..

Aubrey P.O.V.

Walking to the gym with  my gym bag in hand I bump into Rihanna almost downing her down. 

Rihanna: Nigga watch where the fuck you going!

Aubrey: First of all you not going to be talking to be like an little bitch or something

Rihanna: Whatever Aubrey..

Aubrey: The fuck your problem?

Rihanna: Chris is my fucking problem! 

Aubrey: (Shocking) What did he do?

Rihanna: Just being...

Aubrey: Hard-head? Annoying?

Rihanna: Yes! He went off on me for grabbing his butt

Aubrey: He usually like it when I

Rihanna: What?

Aubrey: Nothing..

Rihanna: Naw you saying something! Tell me!

Aubrey: Bitch you better calm the fuck down  before I smash the shit out your ass!

Rihanna: Nigga you AIN'T about that life!

Balling up my hand I punch him straight in her big ass mouth..falling down on the ground she look at me in shock while holding her mouth..

Aubrey: What now bitch? I AIN'T about that life?

Getting up while stilling holding her mouth she walk away but turn around to stuck up her middle finger. Grabbing my stuff off the floor I continue my walk to the gym.

Later On

Leaving out the gym I walk to my locker and grab my regular book-bag..closing the locker I look over and saw this sexy ass girl leaning on the locker giving me a cute ass smile..

Nicki Minaj: RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now