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I blinked my eyes towards the heavens. The sky above, cloudless and so cerulean it seemed almost deceiving. As if I were staring into a masterpiece painted by one of the greats. I could feel the warmth from the sun deliciously heating my skin, the soft blades of the overgrown grass tickling my bare legs as I lie on my back just staring into nothingness.

For a moment I was lost in this dream, completely unsure of my surroundings. Then she appeared above me like an Angel. Her soft billowy golden hair, deep blue eyes and milky flawless skin surrounded by a halo sunlight. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. I smiled at her as I always have. She surrounded my world in light. She was stunning.

I reached for her but she turned from me just for a moment as if she were searching for something. She turned back to me with fear in her eyes. I began to panic. This stunningly beautiful woman was scared of something. Was it me? Was she scared of me? No, she couldn't be. I would never do anything to harm the woman who has given me everything of herself. No, she was frightened by something else; something behind her.

She began to speak to me, but I couldn't hear a word she was saying. Panic set in so fierce that I couldn't move. The ringing in my ears was so intense I thought my ear drums would explode. I brought my hands to my ears to try and block the ringing but nothing seemed to stop it. I could faintly hear muffled cries from what sounded like a child. I reluctantly turned my head towards the crying sound.

On the ground next to me was my baby sister Natasha. Her beautiful purple party dress was ripped. She had blood trickling down her legs staining her white knee socks. She was holding her belly and screaming "MAMA! MAMA!" I turned back to the woman above me with fear in my eyes. The woman was covered in blood with vengeance in hers. The woman was my mother.

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