Chapter Three ~ The Present

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Breathless, hot and sweaty, I sat up in the lavish California King bed covered in silk gasping for air. A strong masculine hand was caressing my back causing me to inch away from the body lying next to me.

"Just another nightmare, Kiska." The masculine voice whispered.

"Come, lie back down and sleep. I told you nothing can hurt you now. I will protect you." He soothed.

I cuddled next to the hard body that promises protection from all the evils I dream about each night. My sweaty, hot, naked body pressed against his, oddly soothes me enough to fall into a dreamless sleep.


The strong smell of bacon and coffee is enough to wake the dead with a smile on their faces. I stretch my stiff muscles and groan at the way my body feels. It feels as though I had spent a night out abusing my body with cheap liquor and party drugs. However, I know I hadn't been out the night before. In fact I spent a quiet night in binge watching my favorite show on Netflix while waiting for the man of the house to come home.

Once I took a much needed steaming hot shower, I cover myself with his butter soft robe and pad my way down to the kitchen to find where the delectable smells are coming from. The kitchen made for a chef is empty but on the cream colored granite counter top is a covered plate full of eggs and bacon just waiting for me to devour it all. I pour myself a cup of coffee adding a touch of cream and sugar. Then I take my plate of morning yumminess to the dining room where I know he will be waiting for me as he does most mornings.

There sitting at the head of the table, reading the New York Times, with a half-eaten grapefruit and a cup of tea in front of him, dressed completely in a navy blue custom made suit is the man who has been taking care of me for the past few years. He sits at the head of the table because he is the man of this house. He is powerful and determined. The world outside of his Upper East Side brownstone fears him. At one time, so did I. Now that I know his weakness, I no longer fear him. Well, not in the way I probably should. His weakness you may wonder? His weakness is me.

I place my breakfast down on the table to his right, pull out the luxurious chair to sit next to him as if this has been my place all along. I take the first sip of my coffee and moan as I watch his luscious lips quirk with a hint of a smile. Those delectable lips spend hours worshiping my body each and every night.

"Did you forget your clothing this morning Kiska?" He asks with a teasing tone to his voice.

"How could I remember such a menial thing when I'm awoken by the smell of seared pig?" I tease back.

"What if we weren't alone this morning Kiska? I've told you before and I'll tell you again, I don't like it when you're so bold to show off what is mine." He warns.

I sigh and not so accidentally let the robe slip down a bit showing my naked shoulder and the top curve of my breasts. He carefully folds the newspaper he's reading, places it on the table, pushes his chair back away from the table and begins to roll up his shirtsleeves as if he's about to get his hands dirty, very dirty.

His nearly black eyes glaze over with lust and sear into my exposed skin. Whenever he looks at me this way my body instantly responds but I never let him know this until the moment he touches me. I drive him mad with need and I love knowing that only I can make this powerful man lose all control.It's a completely heady feeling knowing that I can bring such a dangerous man to his knees in such a way.

"Why must you always defy me Kiska?" He asked on a hiss full of want and desire.

"I'm not defiant. I know that today is Friday. And on Friday's you let me sleep in. On Friday's Helga leaves after breakfast to run errands for the needy man she works for." I smile as I rise from my seat letting the robe fall open just enough to give him a peak of what he desires.

I straddle him and continue, "On Friday's Jerry doesn't come to get you until noon. And on Friday's we eat breakfast together and then fuck like the world is about to end." 

Whispering in his ear, "Glavnyy (Chief), you know this is our ritual. You are a routine kind of guy, my love. Why do you pretend you do not like the way I walk through your home with your robe on and nothing more?"

I lean forward grabbing the sides of his chair and look straight into his lust filled eyes, "Fuck me." I whisper as I bite lightly on his earlobe.

He pushes me off of him, ripping the robe off of me, tossing it to the floor, spins me around, pushes the dishes away nearly clearing the table completely. He then bends me over the table, spreads my legs and takes me from behind hard and fast.

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