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Hayes Grier

"Smile" the officer said as he took the mugshot photo.

"You could make a whole photo album with all of the mugshots you've taken." He scoffed

"And you could use a breath mint with all that ass you've been eating." I mumbled under my breath

"Excuse me?" He turned around and looked at me "I wasn't talking to you."

"It's too late at night to deal with your attitude right now." "Its not my fault you chose being an asshole as your career path." I mumbled to myself, making sure he heard me this time.

Him and his partner gave me death stares and went back to what they were doing.

They put me in a small holding cell, waiting for actual officers to take me back to jail.

This place is way too familiar. I came here my first time when I was fifteen and now at the age of twenty-three, everyone knows my name. 

They said I was all out of warnings and was going for good this time.

It's not like I haven't been to jail before, but I know when he said "You're going away for good." I was fucked because I'm "Going away." For awhile.

I was snapped straight out of my thoughts when the lights all turned off and I was surrounded by pitch black darkness. I heard a few gunshots causing me to jump.

I heard plenty more within the next thirty seconds then the lights were suddenly back on.

I looked up to see my friends Nate and Sammy in front of the small cell with guns in-hand.

"Hey, Hayes. We see you got yourself into some trouble." Sam said while unlocking the cell door.

"Yeah." I said while getting up and walking out.

I still had handcuffs secured tightly around my wrists.

"Come on. We gotta hurry up." Nate pushed me towards the door.

"Ok, ok. I'm going." I said while walking faster.

We walked outside and to my surprise there were no other police officers or anybody outside. There was just dead silence.

We got into Nate's black Charger and left the station.

"Hey, how'd you guys even get in here?" I asked from the backseat

"We shut down all connection to the station, overlapped footage from earlier today over the present time recording and just.. Walked in." "Wow.. Well where are we going now cause I need to get these handcuffs off."

"We'll have to figure out something when we get back to the house." He said

Criminal ♤ Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now