always and forever: luke Brooks imagine

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Your pov:

Luke and I had been best friends since we were about 5. Since then you've always had a small crush on him and over the years that crush had gotten bigger and stronger. I was pretty sure he liked me in that way to because he would always flirt with me. He would compliment me whatever I wear even if I was in sweat pants and a jumper that's to big. His brothers , beau and jai told me that Luke likes me alot but doesn't NO how to tell me which I thought was so sweet but I really wish he would just tell me so that we could be together always and forever.

:next day:

Today me ,Luke, beau, jai, Daniel and James were going to a house party my best friend was having she loved to party so she would throw random parties at least once every 2 weeks! I hoped that this would be the day Luke finally told me his feelings even though I already no I just really want to hear it from him rather than hits brothers.the way I imagine it is that he will ask me to dance while a slow song was playing, he would hold me by my waste and I would rest my head on his shoulder and then when the song finished I would look into his Brown sparkling eyes and then we would already start leaning towards each other and share a spontaneous kiss.

Luke's pov:

It's (y/f/n) party today I hoped this would be the day I finally told her my feelings. I have no idea how I would say it to her though because she makes me so nervous. Every time I saw her I would get butterflies so telling her how I feel would be a real challenge. The good thing was I no she likes me because she would always flirt with me,I found it so cute though.

as I was having these thoughts I heard someone shout 'oi Luke were going now so get your ass hear and stop dreaming about (y/n)!!' I recognised the voice and new it was beau he's such a dick.

As,we arrived at (y/n) house ,I already had butterflies but I was looking forward to seeing her outfit I knew she would look sexy!! As we knocked on her door a beautiful girl in a tight red dress answered it. It was (y/n).

Your pov:

'Umm guys' I say the whole lot of them were just staring at me with huge eyes and open mouths (especially Luke) james then says 'Luke stop staring at her tits haha' he then went bright red and everyone laughed 'shall we go then my sluts ' beau says in a failed gay voice. We then all get in the car and I sat in between Luke and jai. ' you look amazing' Luke said shyly. I blushed and say thanks. Everyone on the car was giving us cheesy grins as if they new what was going on. I rolled my eyes and stared it the window wondering if Luke would make a move tonight.

When we arrived at the party there was music blasting people dancing and getting drunk and before you no it beau downs. Pint of beer. 'Typical' jai says in an amused tone. ' do you want a drink (y/n)' Luke asked I nod and he got me a vodka and coke. After about 6 vodkas I start feeling the affect of the alcohol and decide to go outside for some fresh air I sit down on a bench in the garden feeling a bit sick so I stand up about to get water but before you no it I was on the ground with a bloody nose. I heard someone running over to me yelling my name it was luke. 'What happened?? Are you ok? Holy shit look at your nose!!' He sounds very worried but I just dad's fine don't worry about it I've just had to much to drink that's all' 'babe, this is a bit more than that I mean you can barely walk!!' A tear rolls down my cheek but he wipes it away and says 'we need to get you inside' so he picks me up bride style and lays me down on the couch and and cleans up my nose and got me a glass of water. ' feel any better?' He asks with a concerned look on his face 'actually I feel about better now your here' He knows I'm still a bit drunk but he can tell I feel better. All of a sudden a slow song starts to play. Luke then stood up and says 'do you wanna dance?' It was just like I imagined but he was a lot more nervous 'I would love to' when I said that his eyes lit up and he had a huge smile on his face. I smiled to especially when he held his hand out and brought me to the dance floor. The whole time we were dancing was just like I imagined all that was left was for him to tell me how he feels.

Luke's pov:

She was perfect I love her. But how do I tell her?? We've been best friends forever and I don't want to ruin it but I want to be more than friends. The way her body moved with mine to the music was so hot I just wanted to slam my lips on hers and be with her forever. All of a sudden my phone vibrated, it was a text from beau, it says ' bro you need to tell her how u feel now u love her to much and we no she loves you to just grow some balls and just tell her, I look around to see beau and the others starting at me with big grins on their face. I didn't no what to do so I waited till the song was finished I looked into her beautiful blue eyes, put my hands on her waist and leaned in and kissed her. It was so magical it was like no other kiss I had this was all love nothing less. I then said to her 'I love you (y/n) I always have your beautiful funny sexy and I just want you to be mine's

Your pov:

When he said that he loved me I welled up a bit 'why are you crying?? Luke asked quite confused. I bite my lip and look at home deep in his eyes and say'you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that' I laugh a little and he smiles and then I say ' I love you to ' as soon as we said that he kissed me again and everyone clapped we had no idea everyone was listening. We both went bright red and laughed. He wrapped his strong arms around me and kissed my cheek and whispers in my ear and said ' I love you so much always and forever I promise I will never leave you'

Part 2?????

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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always and forever: luke Brooks imagineWhere stories live. Discover now