Chapter 13 seeing mommy again

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Bella's POV
I was waiting for daddy to pick me up from school. He wasn't here yet but I saw mommy, I ran over to her and hugged her she said "hi baby girl do you like living with daddy?" I said "yeah but I miss you." She said "awe baby I miss you to you'll see me again soon don't worry." I said "okay." Then I saw uncle Calum and ran to him he caught me and looked at mommy.

Calum's POV
I walked into the school and saw Bella with Bryanna, Bella saw me and ran to me I went over to Bryanna and said "you better not be trying to get her back because Ashton won't let you have her." She said "I'm not she's all yours I have my life back so enjoy her ." I said "you're a selfish lady." She said "I just realized that I wanted my life back and not have a kid just yet."I said "then why didn't you give her to Ashton in the first place?" She said "he didn't know until now." I said "well she is now better off with us."I left and we went to the car I strapped Bella in her car seat and got in the drivers seat and we were off to the studio. We got there and I got Bella out of the car and we walked in well I walked and she ran inside. I opened the door to the studio and Bella ran to Ashton he said "hey baby girl how was school?" She said "good."

Then she went to sit with Luke I went over to Ashton and said "Bryanna was there."He said "why was she there?" I said "I don't know all I know is Bella was with her." He said "she isn't getting her back if that's what she's thinking." I said "she said she doesn't want her back she said she finally got her life back." Ashton said "selfish bitch." I said "that's what I said to her but not thoese exact words."Then it was my turn to go into the recording booth.

                      Ashton's POV
That selfish bitch won't get Bella back how could she even say that she didn't want our child if she doesn't want to be part of her life that's fine she'll only have me then and the boys.Bella was coloring with Luke right now I smiled happy that her and Luke were so close.

After we were done we went to get some lunch. We got to the cafe and waited for a table, the waiter brought us to a table and we sat at it and of course who else was there Bryanna. She walked passed us and smiled at me I gave her a fake smile then she went to sit at her table Crystal was with her too since they were best friends I said to Calum "I think she's stalking us now." He said "what does she want?" I said "probably my money I'm not giving her any so she can stop trying."

Then Niall and the other 1D boys walked in and sat with us Louis had Freddie with him Freddie is adorable. We all ordered our food and then chatted while I was Having a conversation with Liam Bryanna came over and asked to talk to me I got up and went with her and said "what do you want? You're not getting Any money from me." She said "okay fine I just wanted to say thank you for taking her my life is so much better now." I said "no problem because Bella is so much better with me because I actually care about her un like you." She said "I did care about her a lot I raised her by myself for 2 years." I said "yeah but not enough you only care about yourself and that's all you care about that's your own fault for not telling me about her."Then I went back inside and Niall asked "everything okay mate?" I said "yeah everything's great." Then our food arrived and we ate then after that we paid the bill and headed home.

We got home and Bella said "will I ever see mommy again?"I said "maybe one day baby girl." Then I hopped in the car and I drove home she fell asleep in the car so I picked her up and brought her to her room and put her in her bed.

I walked downstairs and said "you know what Bryanna had the nerve to tell me today?" Michael said "what did she tell you?" I said "she said she did care for Bella for 2 years by herself that is such bull shit and she knows it too she never cared about Bella she only cared about her self Bella is so much better with me." Luke said "yeah she is so much better with you your more of a parent to her then she was." I said "yeah I just wish Bryanna told me about Bella sooner so I could have taken her sooner. Bella asked me if she is ever going to see her again I told her maybe. Which means she won't I just didn't want to upset her." Luke said "good."

Then Bella came downstairs and sat on my lap she watched tv then at 5:00 I started cooking dinner after I was done I called everyone into the kitchen we all sat down and ate. Then we put our plates in the sink once we were done. 

Then I took Bella upstairs to the bathroom and gave her a bath then I wrapped a big towel around her. I put her in her room and picked her pjs out she got them on then climbed into bed I told her stories from tour then I kissed her head and turned on her night light and she fell into a peacefully sleep I was going to miss her when I had to go back on tour.

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