Chapter Two

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(In text logs, E: Emil and L: Leon)

E: Hello, Lukas? It's Emil. Mathias gave me your number, I believe. There was a paper on my desk with everyone's. Thank you again for the birthday party, I truly did enjoy it.
E: Ah, that's right, you aren't one for texting.
L: Yo, sorry dude, you've got the wrong number! ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
E: Oh, my, I do apologize! The man I mentioned earlier, Mathias, has horrendous handwriting. He must have written the wrong digit somewhere.
L: No problemo
L: Did you say it's your BIRTHDAY???!!!
E: Yes, it is.
L: How old you turning, bro?
E: Umm...
E: 17.
L: That's, like, so cool! I'm 17 too! :o
E: Uh, thanks, I guess. Feels a bit weird to accept something like that from someone I don't even know.
L: I'm Leon, so I guess I can't judge the weird names of your friends, can I? XO
E: Actually, Lukas is my brother. And Mathias is not a friend.
L: Well, what is he, then? •~• You dating?
E: No, definitely not! He's a friend of Lukas, sort of...maybe something more?
E: They were neighbors who became reluctant friends, then eventually moved in together, and more recently romantic tension has arised.
L: Do you live with a lot of people?
E: Lukas, Mathias, Mathias' rival Berwald, and Berwald's boyfriend Tino.
E: Plus myself.
L: Sounds crazy! But I've got a big house too!
L: Way too many siblings. My eldest brother Yao, who's practically my replacement father at this point, took in a lot of orphans, including me.
E: Ah, interesting.
L: You haven't even told me your name yet. You a dude or a chick?
E: Emil. And I'm male, not a "dude" or "chick".
L: Whatever
E: Why am I even still texting you?
E: I should go retrieve Lukas' real number.
L: Nahhh, don't leave me yet
L: I'm bored and nobody is replying to me. I don't know many people my age, not including my siblings
L: One of my only friends is a girl named Michelle, and she's busy with work stuff right now
E: Now's my turn to ask, are YOU two dating?
L: Nah, I'm not into chicks to be honest
E: Everyone in my household is a raging homosexual, so I won't judge. Well, Mathias and Tino are bi, but still.
L: What 'bout you? Which way do you swing?
E: not sure. I don't know many people my own age either. I mean, there are a few people my age who I see on occasion, but we never speak. I am not even sure of their names.
L: Me too. Work related stuff, I guess.
L: What country are you from?
E: ...Iceland.
L: That's, like, so rad, I've always thought the Nordic countries seemed very cool. Excuse the pun tho XD
L: I live in Hong Kong, it's not all that well known, really
E: Oh, intriguing. I guess you could call me a geography nut, so I do know about your home's existence.
E: I don't know much about the country itself, though.
L: I'm a geography and history freak too (^_^;)
E: By the way, the Nordic nations are the very opposite of cool. They're terrible.
L: The Asian countries are kind of weird
E: Ha, every country is. There's nothing normal about any of them.
L: Very true!
L: I lived with some British dude for a while to help Yao, since there was so many of us to take care of. But the British guy wasn't very nice.
E: The only British man I know is a ball of rage and tea.
L: Truuuu, mine is too XD I still see him sometimes and it's rlly awkward so I avoid him
E: I know people from many, many different countries. They're all crazy and give me headaches.
L: Same!! ;^;
E: I mean, there's this one kid from Hong Kong or something who seems pretty chill. But he's always too busy to speak to me, so we've only ever talked once or twice.
L: That blows, I bet he'd so totally like you! Open up more!
E: Yeah, yeah...
E: He was the one who approached me both those times. Said I had cool boots.
L: Haha, what do they look like?
E: They're tall and white. They're quite stylish, if I do say so myself. But I've never really been up to the times. Heck, this is my first cell phone!
L: Did you just get it?!
E: Yep.
L: Jeez. If you need any pointers, ask a master like me (^~^)
E: I suppose I'll make an actual contact in my phone for you, eh? You're apparently not too awful.
L: Yeah, man! Send me a selfie 4 ur contact pic. Plus cuz I'm betting ur some super cute dork
E: Selfie?
E: And I'm not cute!!
L: Pic of your face.
E: Ah. Fine, fine. But I'm not looking the best right now. I was forced to endure in painful social interaction for an hour before I could go to my room.
E: Hold on.
E: //attached picture- selfie taken by Emil//
L: Oh my goshhhhhh
L: 1) You're frigging adorable, you liar! (*^▽^*)
E: Send a selfie back????
L: //attached picture- selfie taken by Leon//
E: ...
E: Why must this happen to meeeeee?!
L: You're not from Iceland, are you? You ARE Iceland!
E: And you're Hong Kong, aren't you?
L: Frick. ⊙︿⊙
E: Well, darn.

(Credit to my friend snailm8 for the title idea! ^o^ This is just some random fanfic idea I came up with, I'm not sure how long it will last. It will probably get sort of shippy, idk. Mainly HongIce. Thanks for reading, if anyone's actually doing that, haha. :p This story is like one huge excuse for me to write a lot of text conversations, since I loveeee doing that.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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