The Definition of Intense

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Beware this material is spiritually erotic.

I met a man that goes by the name of Tristan Kelly. I happened to be meditating at a small music festival in Malibu and channeling electric goddess and feminine power. I must have sat and gone within for at least an hour. Apparently, I was attracting attention because I awakened to the sound of photographers snapping pictures of me. Luckily, I strategically wore an appealing outfit consisting of jean shorts and a white halter-top that showed off my toned stomach and caramel skin. My black, curly hair wrapped up into a deliberate messy bun, with random strands falling purposefully to the side. Well, I attracted more than just the average attention. I attracted Tristan Kelly—otherwise known as "The Sexual Energy Guru." Earlier that day, I saw a man walking around with a massive heart chakra tattoo (The Heart Chakra refers to the spiritual and energetic center located directly above the heart). Little did I know that the mysterious man with the green heart chakra tatt was going to be the salient link to my new sexual awakening? I decided to devote my time at the festival towards meditation, dancing, and awakening dormant parts of my conscious. It's no wonder that the intention I set far before the event attracted Tristan's great talent of unlocking sexual energy. When walking up to me, the first thing I noticed was his eyes, which so happens to be my second favorite part of a man's body. They were two oak doors, waiting to be opened, pleading to be unlocked. Standing with two feet solidly planted into the ground, Tristan's presence lit a fire in my lower abdomen. My heart was pounding fueled with adrenaline; I inhaled deeply before I introduced myself.

"I'm Natasha Luna," I said in my sexiest voice and reached out for a welcoming embrace.

He told me that he had been watching me meditate, and was particularly impressed with the energy I was channeling.

"It was beautiful to witness," he said in a deep voice.

I then noticed a labradorite crystal hanging from his neck, and couldn't help but observe his tan skin, and sculpted chest. As though he was reading my mind, he began to unbutton his shirt. Enchanted, I lifted my healing hand and hovered directly above his heart; this was my way of feeling another person. I could tell so much about another just by tapping into their energetic field. For once, I didn't sense anxiety and distress. However, I did sense immense power. As soon as my hand went up to feel his energy, his hand raised right above my heart chakra. A strong warm electric current entered the center of my hand. I felt the familiarity and immediately knew that he was no novice to life force energy.

"How long have you been an energy worker?" I asked.

He smiled and said, "I don't refer to myself as an energy worker, but I've been working with energy for 11 years. I suppose you could call me a Self-Mastery Teacher."

It was the first time I've had the pleasure to meet a "Self-Mastery Teacher" especially one that had devoted so much time to healing. I'm sure he knew things that I couldn't even fathom. While soaking in Tristan's aura, I felt myself beginning to idolize him, and it was that particular moment that I placed him on a very well crafted pedestal. He appeared cool, conscious, put together, and was dedicated to the art of healing. Tristan is nearing six feet tall. He has dark brown shoulder length hair, which is usually swept to one side. He was wearing a black shirt buttoned down, which showed off his athletic build, leopard pants, and black boots. Earlier that week, I had been discussing with my friends about the type of guy that I wanted to meet. My friends told me that I would be happiest with a man who committed to his spiritual practice. I had also been experiencing visions of myself quite taken by a gentleman with dark wavy hair. (Vision is a prophetic glimpse of the future. Similar to the feeling you get when you know something exceptionally good or bad is coming for you, only I could see it in my minds eye.) In the vision, we were exploring each other on the three realms: Mind, Body, Spirit. I saw us meditating together, enjoying sacred sex, and relishing a strong spiritual and telepathic connection. These past thoughts and visions came to surface as soon as Tristan told me had been studying metaphysics for a magnitude of time.

With courage, I said, "I've been having recent visions about being able to share a strong spiritual connection with a man through meditation and energy work." I think this statement caught him by surprise because it was the first time I saw his face shift.

"I don't know if that's me, but I am willing to explore with you." Tristan didn't say much, but when he did speak, every word carried an air of mystery. I could have torn apart each word and still been left with countless questions.

I told him that my friends and I were performing an eye gazing meditation on each other, a meditation where two people stare directly into each other's eyes for extended periods of time. Interestingly enough, he was also a fan of eye gazing. So we did it there on the spot. As I met his gaze with mine, I felt energy flush towards my sacral chakra. You know, the feeling you get right before you are about to climax. (The sacral chakra is the spiritual and energetic center located directly above the sex organs). I felt Tristan's body calling for me, and the fire within me raged. Suddenly, everyone at the festival disappeared, while Tristan and I were mercifully left to enjoy a desirous moment alone. In my mind's eye, I imagined us seductively discarding each piece of clothing. Our bare and naked bodies glistened in the partial sunlight.  His energy pulled me closer once more, and I strolled slowly towards him, my eyes slanting and smiling, radiating feminine energy. He wrapped his strong arms around me, and when our skin touched, electricity rippled up my spine. His masculine energy quickly dominated mine, and I surrendered. I felt my pupils dilate, and my body quivered slightly. Just as we were about to kiss, I purposefully closed my eyes, breaking the eye gazing, and shutting off our exceedingly sexual connection. Opening my eyes slowly, I thankfully regained my sense of reality. Breathing deeply, I peered around. I forgot I was in a public place. Tristan took me higher, and so easily. Without touching me, he sent me into a vision that would make any woman's knees weak. I met his eyes once more and saw a hint of satisfaction. He was raw. He was powerful. Tristan was, in fact, the definition of intense.

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