Pretty Blue Eyes

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It was a long day of recording for Jack so he decided he wanted a break,but lucky for him he just got an email.
Email: Hello Sean we would like to invite you to VidCon! We bought you're flight ticket and you're hotel is booked!
Jack:Omg yes!! This is perfect,I better get packing!
Next Day
*jack texts Mark in excitement to let him know they get to finally meet*
Mark Responds: I can't wait! I'll see you then! (He replies with a smiley winky face)
Jack: woah is Mark flirting with me...(Jack is confused on rather to be happy or scared)
Jack: well I guess we will have to see what happens in VidCon....
VidCon | Jacks POV
I get a burst of energy as I walk through the back door.I can already hear the thousands of screaming fans,idk weather to be nervous Or excited.
*as I'm talking in my mind I hear my name getting screamed from down the hallway,but it was only to what I expected he was tall handsome and had beautiful red hair I couldn't believe it was actually him*
Mark:(also screaming) JACK OH MY GOD!!
Jack:(I'd try to talk but you could already tell I was lost in words)
Mark: I'm so happy you're here, woah you're eyes are even more beautiful then when we were on skype.*he'd smile*
Jack:*before I knew it my face was already turning red but I had to respond*Omg thanks Mark,I can't believe you're hair is that fluffy well by the looks of it anyway haha!
Mark: I know you want to touch my hair Jack I can tell just go for it! But only if I can touch yours!
Jack:Yay!!*i lean in to touch his hair stroking it softly* oooo so soft!! * I then lean in taking my hat off letting him touch my hair*
VidCon employee: woah sorry to break u too up but you guys have to go on stage now!
*We both reply with a simple laugh and nod, and started walking to the stage entrance before I knew it everyone was chanting our names! Even septiplier it felt amazing*
Stage Jacks POV
*i was so nervous you could hear my heartbeat through the microphone,I was positive everyone was going to think I might have a stroke...but lucky for me I didn't*
Jack:So how is everyone doing tonight?
Audience: GOOD!!!We love you Jack
Jack:aww you guys are way to kind!* I'd give huge smile*
Mark: Ok ok ok But what about me the sexy MARKIMOO!!* he'd say as he smirks at me*
Audience: WEEE LOVE YOU!!* they'd say louder then before*
*but then out of know we hear another mic turn on and everyones confused*
Felix: But what about me the all
fabulous,gorgeous,duck lord,PEEEEEWEDIEPIE
*The audience froze in shock to see that Felix had came but before we knew it our ears were already bleeding*
Audience:OH MY GODD ITS FELIX WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH...*They screamed so loud I thought Ireland had herd it*
Mark:Woah you guys do love Felix!
Jack: But we all know you love me more* I'd say while flexing my muscles*
*as I'm flexing I notice Mark staring at he so enlightened by my plus one biceps or is he disappointed on what he see's*
On Stage|Marks POV
* I'm amazed on to see how my people screamed for Felix ,but it really wasn't know surprise considering he has the biggest fan base on YouTube*
When I start to appreciate the fan base of Felix Jack chimes in and tries to one up me..I always did love that when we recorded,but then I look over to see Jack flexing,I could of swore I was drooling he has such perfect biceps..not to big not to small..I couldn't help but stare..It was just to hard not to.*
Mark: So guys I know you're gonna want to hear this for you're little fan fictions so here it goes*you could already tell Jack knew what I was gonna say so he slowly started to turn red*
Jack:SEPTIPLIER AWAY!!!*I'd say knowing how the fans would record I decided to run to mark and give him a big hug,of course he made it looks like we were making out for the fan edits.
Mark:*you should have seen all the. I thought to my self*
Felix: Woah guys what about meh the mighty duck lord*He'd say in a faint voice*
Mark: NO ONE LIKES YOU FELIX!!*I'd say while laughing*
Jack:*laughing* Yeah Felix!!
Felix: God damnit *He'd say while laughing*
*the audience started to die of laughter*
After a long day of VidCon the crew finally got a break so they went out for dinner..nothing special happened except when Jack and Mark started singing together,But of course after they were done eating they had to go back to VidCon and do the signings,You could already tell how happy Jack was when he herd he got to meet his fans!
The signing | Jacks POV
Jack: I can't believe it!! I actually get to meet all of these wonderful people this is so sensational!
Mark: I know right! But be careful some of them get a little crazy!
Felix:Yeah there was this one time when one of them made me sign there bra...and it was on.
Jack:Well I don't know about you but that sounds awesome!
Felix: did I mention it was a man...
Jack:well then never mind....*I'd say while Mark is in the back laughing , be cause he knew the how the story ended*
Jack: Ha Ha Ha very funny mark*I'd say while smiling*
Felix: ok well lets get signing!!
*The first fan came up and she was crying tears of joy I felt so joyful knowing these people care for me this much*
Jack: AWW it's ok *I'd say while going to hug the fan*
Mark: it's ok you don't have to cry Markimoo is here!
Felix:I think she wants the almighty duck lord is here!
*we'd all lean in to hug her, she gives me a poster to sign Mark a pair of warfstach pants to sign and Felix and duck plushie,We of course signed everything, but suddenly when the fan started walking away she looked back and screamed FIST ME DADDY to Felix *
Felix: NO GOD DAMNIT NOT AGAIN!!*Felix said while laughing,You could tell that phrase really annoyed him*
After the gang went 3 hours of signing they were of course we're tired.But Mark and Jack decided then wanted more food,But like usual Jack wanted cake and cookies so Mark got Jack cake and cookies* They had an awesome night but before they knew it they were all ready in there hotels sleeping*

(Hey guys I hope you like my story so far this is only chapter one! Give me some ideas and yeah!!)

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