101 things to do when bored in school

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1. Clap when the teacher the teachers not looking.
2.Bring twister and play with a couple of friends.
3. Write your English paper in Spanish.
4.Insist you are Prince Henry the 5th.
5. Run in late saying in a bad Scottish accent "they're after be lucky charms".
6. Bring a random object to class and insist its a person... Get a copy of everything for it too.
7. Challenge teacher to a light saber
8. Dress like Superman man and say I'm off to save the world.
9. Rant about how Peanut butter is aay better than jelly.
10. Get really emotional about commas or addition.
11. Answer every question with "Carl"
13. Be doctor who for a day.
14. Bring a blanket and pillow and go to sleep on desk.
15. Pay the snapping game.
16. If you have a substitute have everyone sit in the wrong seats.
17. Play the most dirty song and pretend like nothing happend.
18.Yell bull in the middle of history class and then go on a rant about a conspiracy theory.
19. Tell the teacher the u stole a possum...
20. Solo in the middle of class.
21. Act drunk
22. Act high
23. Wear a tourist outfit and take pictures of everything.
24.Prentend your Harrypotter.
25.Challenge teacher to rap battle
26.Start crawling around and speaking in to your watch while humming mission impossible.
27. Have a picnic with friends (try to get teacher to join)
28.Look at a random kid and yell"Dementor!call the ministry!"
29. Put your phone in a hidden place then make an alarm so i plays the dirtiest song u have every 5mins.
30. Show up like a kid from Hogwarts and say "is this potions 101"
31. Tell the teacher u are late because your time portal malfunctioned keeping a straight face the whole time.
32. Start selling Popcorn
33. Ask the teacher for a refund
34. After everything she says say "will this be on the quiz"
35. Start singing all the songs from Les miserale
36. Start drumming
37. Shout out random pick up lines
38. Show your Over 9000
39. Play country music and start square dancing
40. Watch "Certain videos" wink..wink.. As loud as possible
42.make it snow on your desk with salt.
43. Yell "wait i thought this was the alcohol anonymous meeting" then walk out.
44. Play red rover in the middle of math
45. Forget how to count
46. Stare at the teacher the whole our and if the says something hiss
47. Start a rave
48. Play basketball in math, science, or English.(get teacher to join)
49. Tea...party...
50. Start Karaoke
51. Tell your your teacher that u have completed your mission and must return to the mother ship then run away.
52. When ever the teacher walks in play the imperial starwars song.
53. Say at random times during class"im sueing u for copyright infringement"
55. Talk in the cheesiest canadian accent ever.
56. Bring in a plant and insist the plant can talk and has feeling(whole new meaning to the term vegan)
57. Start a random match of quiditch(bonus points if teacher joins)
58. dont show up
59. Read this on wattpad
60. Build with legos
61. Band rehersall in class
62. Say your teachers a dementor
63. Say your late for the induction cerimony spooky
64. Yell look a funny looking bald dude sorry just mr whatever
65. Say your cant proccess the teachers lecture
67. Dont show up
68. Bring a silly string and be spider man
69. Make sex noises in class( convinent aye)

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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