Chapter 6

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Cry's Point Of View

"Scott," I said while looking at him, "I don't need a break from gaming. I just need... A break from life. That's all." Scott's mouth turned into a frown.

"Listen, are you sure you're okay? Saying you need a break from life is pretty serious if you ask me." He said while standing against the wall. I sighed, I didn't know what to do anymore, to be honest, I'm literally terrified of everything and everyone. I feel as though that l'm just floating in this world, watching as everyone is turning into monsters. Not literally, I think.

"I don't know anymore. I just don't. Gaming is my life, it's all that I got working for me." Once I finished speaking, silence filled the air.

"Come on, let's just go out and get some air, air will do ya some good." Said Scott, as he walked to the door. As he opened the door he let out the largest scream a man can render. An Infected woman jumped atop of him. "Ry-Ryan! Help me!" He screamed in fear. I then proceeded to grab the item nearest to me and smashed it into the woman's head.

"Scott!" I screamed. "Move out from under her! Now!"  He then did as I told. I continued to smash and smash until the body stopped moving. I let out huffs of air as I stood up and looked at Scott. "Are you okay?" He then nodded his head slowly, yes. I couldn't believe what was happening. Are my nightmares.. Coming to life? Is everything happening real?

"Ryan! Ryan! We need to pack. Now." Scott said waving his arms, snapping me back into reality. "Dude, we need to get into the country." I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Listen, I I was always paranoid with this kind of thing man. I never told anyone, I just stocked up on can foods and water. I thought playing these games could some what help." I said, almost in a panic. 

"Well it's helping now. Come on. do you have any weapons?" Scott asked while running towards my kitchen. 

"Y-Yea! I have a couple of steel baseball bats and um some hunting knives. I think that might be it!" I said. 

"Go get them! Also get warm clothes and just what you think we need! We can also stop by my house if we need to!" Scott yelled. I was already in my room by then. Packing up things we both would need. Seconds later both Scott and I were ready to face to ugly truth. 

Once I opened the door we could hear sirens everywhere. Nearby and some what far. It was a sight no one should ever have to face. I really do hope... it won't be the last of us.


Author's Note

Hello dearies! Um well I really do hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know you haven't seen much of Cry/Ryan in this fic but I promise I will be adding more of him and the dangerous adventure of the world. Please do give me a vote and possibly telling me if you'd want more. Thank you to all of you for giving me 7 likes on this story! You guys are amazing c: I might upload another chapter a little later. But I do hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night depending where you are. I love you all! <3

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