Chapter 7

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Cointroin Airport, Geneva, 8:21 pm

The two luxury cars, the BMW and Mercedes came to a screeching halt in front of the airport. Inside the Mercedes, Giggs turned his head towards Mohammed. "How are we going to manage to get Sadowsky through security?" Mohammed slapped his forehead, "We have a private jet! There is no security!" he said frustratingly, annoyed with Giggs' incompetence.

Giggs kept his mouth shut. Guess I'll have to keep it that way. "Come on, let's go" said Mohammed as he opened the door. He got a glimpse of the engineering marvel of the Cointroin. Wow.

Six feet in front of him emerged Subramanian, who surprisingly opened the door on his own, a work which was usually done by his chauffeur-cum-right hand man, Nicholas.

"Any luggage sir?" asked Nicholas, who was willing to provide assistance. "No, I'm fine, thank you" said Subramanian. His eyes marvelled the structure that lay in front until they came to a halt in the direction of Mohammed. This better go alright.

Nicholas pulled out his phone and selected one of the contacts. He put the phone against his left ear and waited for the phone to be picked up. He began speaking as soon as the ringing stopped, "Get the jet ready."

Mohammed opened the car's trunk, inside was a five foot long black bag, which was slightly curved. He tried to pick it up; all he could do was making grunting noises while he failed. Damn, he's heavy.

To his luck, Nicholas arrived with a cart, "May I?" Mohammed left him to do his job. Knock yourself out.

All of them approached the Cessna Citation X+. The jet's twin engines, which were right below the vertical stabiliser, were up and running. The engines' high pitched sound irritated Mohammed's ears. Twenty three million dollars of metal pissing the hell out of me.
The pilot stood right beside the entrance. "She's all set boss!" he announced with his British accent. He had to raise his volume for the rest to hear.

Subramanian was the first to walk into the Cessna. "It's good to see you sir!" He smiled, "you too Charles." Giggs was the last one to get on, "How long till we reach there?" he asked.

"Two hours or so" answered the pilot as he shut the jet's doors.

Giggs sunk into his soft leather seat. He stared outside the window; looking at all the other aircraft take off and land. Must be one hell of a job. Nicholas served him a glass of water.

The speaker above his head crackled. "Ladies and Gentlemen" announced the pilot's reassuring voice, "Make that just gentlemen." Corrected the pilot, Giggs chuckled. Oh Charles.

"We are go."

The humming of the twin engines got louder as the Cessna increased its speed on the runway. The image outside the jet got fuzzier. The jet's nose gradually pointed upwards.

His heart began beating faster. His blood pressure began increasing. He held his fists tightly and shut his eyes. Get this over with.

His fear of flying had begun that dreadful day which he recalled.

It was September 11 of 2001. "Welcome to American Airlines flight 93!" welcomed the air host who stood beside the gate. He checked Sagan's his and niece's air passes. "You're all good to go!" assured the host.

"Come on!" he grinned and warmly held the 6 year-old girl's hands. "Ready to meet mommy and daddy?" The girl nodded her head. The two of them walked through the tunnel towards the entrance of the aircraft. His niece headed to the direction opposite to that of Sagan, "No baby, that's first class." He picked her up and walked to economy class.

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