Midnight Rose, Part 3

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AN- Welll... I Ammm TrulyySorrry For Being Not Goood I Should Be Put On The Naughty List for Christmas Seen As I have Not Posted This Yet :( I

Ammm Sorrrryy Pleaseee Dontt Hate me!

Messsageee Voteee Commmment :D

You Know You Wnat To ;)


Chapter 4: The Orders...


Stupid, idiotic, insignificant, damn sexy, fucking human. I just felt like screaming out my frustration, knowing that it would do no good I wrapped my hands around the silver knife implanted a cm above my heart and prepared for the pain. I silently screamed as the knife came out and the burning sensation rippled through my body.

After the pain had subsided a little I decided to go back to Jeff, two reasons. One to find out my next job. Second to find more about that cocky bitch so that I can take her down, with or without the help of the FFH. Striding around the compound realising that the guards were still lying in the corridors I figured being the kind caring vampire that I am, (Note the sarcasm) that I would give them a little wake up call. "Get the hell up you lazy excuse of soldiers" Hearing a few groans I carry, my voice rising as my anger takes over. "You call yourselves the last thing between humanity and the undead. And you couldn't even stop a little girl. You're pathetic! Everyone get out run Now 40 Mile get to it do it NOW!" Like I said I am the kindest creature you will ever meet. But I'm guessing you already knew that.

After my little outburst at the guys I walked right into Jeff's office fully intending to demand to know what the hell is going on with this Midnight girl. But when I entered the office I could not even get in, the office must be filled with every general, politician and basically every high ranking person in the country. Wading through the sea of people I finally see Jeff and walk over to him. "Ok Jeff, what's with all the officers in here?"

"Follow me" Jeff answered in a tight tone suggesting he is very stressed and just needs someplace to think.

We walked into a round room, decorated in the same military style as the rest of the compound just plain and simple really, much like it used to be in back in the good old days.

Flash back...

The year was 1753, just after a plague had hit England and I was just enjoying the life of immortality, doing what I wanted when I wanted! Girls were easy and the beer was good, even though technically I could not get drunk it still tastes the same.

I'm not proud of some of the things that I have done but what can be done. Anyway I was just walking down the cobbled streets on my way to the local brothel for well you know what! When the breeze brought over a smell so delicious it was impossible to ignore, walking into a simple story house I was horrified by what I saw. And believe me I have seen some bad shit, dozens and dozens of newly made vampires all piled up in one room, looking like they would go crazy from the blood craze (AN- blood craze, the state where you can not get enough blood in your system, you go mad basically) when only two doors down a bunch of humans drugged and chained were being held some naked and some clothed.

Me, being your average kind of guy figured it wasn't your issue and just left, not two days later and entire village were hit by a swarm of mass murders this carried on over a few weeks. All those innocents dead, and to think I could have done something anything to stop it!

"Black are you even listening to me?" Jeff's drowning voice erupted me from my own thoughts "What? No sorry, what were you just saying mate?"

"I was saying that this Midnight person means business, from what she said, she has been coming and going in and out of here for a year we have to move the compound. There is no telling how many people know about this location! But before we can even think about that you have a mission to get your arse on. Alic Watson, is in need of a new body guard seen as his mysteriously disappeared"

"So you want me to pose as a body guard get the low down on him and his business and what? Get out or kill him?"

"Where not sure yet depends on who far this whole Midnight things goes, oh and Black?


"Don't fuck this up, Watson has been in the bad business for a while now but we need the evidence to get a hold of him!"

"Have I ever failed you?" giving a mock salute and an innocent smile, Jeff just grunted which I presumed to be a no. With that I walked towards my quarters getting ready for the night ahead. Of meeting Alic Watson

Chapter 5: The Preparations...


Cruising down the motorways at an illegal speed my mind wandered off back to the events of earlier that evening. 'Well that was fun', sigh, 'it's a shame I haven't had that much fun in a while'.

'Did you see the look on that guys face? '


'Yeah...That will teach him.'

'You go girl'

You see I tend to talk to myself a lot; not having much of a social life has its down sides I guess. At least I won't argue with myself right? That really is the first sign of madness.

Ok so...George Connolly. Black hair, ladies man, green ringed eyes... the usual. This would be my target tonight, before I go after the big fish Mr Alic Watson. Reasons for going for the little fish first is to be able to bait the big ones to bite, Connolly is one of Watson's cronies and by taking out Connolly it will give Watson something to worry about when BAM! I'll strike, kill him and move on. At that thought I felt weird pulling sensation in my stomach, thinking it was just the adrenaline pumping through me I chose to ignore it. 'Yeah you do that see how far it gets you?' said a sensible voice in my head. 'I will thanks, not shut the hell up I have a job to do!'

Parking outside just one of my apartments in the area, have to have a few in case plan doesn't go very well. I decide it is time to go get ready for the job at hand.

Striding across to my bathroom I took a hot shower, stripping of my clothes and weapons I stepped in, and imminently felt comforted by the streaming jets of water relaxing my muscles, ready for the job at hand. After stepping out I dried my hair, straightening it and applying light make up I went to discover what I had to wear tonight.

Picking out a black sleeveless dress, with silver studs running down the middle in swirls, low cut showing just enough cleavage, and the hem stopping at mid thigh. I started strapping my weapons onto my body and fake ID in case someone actually finds them and tries to have me arrested (That has happened before). Wearing knee high black boots to conceal my weapons, silver knives my favourite weapon. I don't know why it is my favourite; I think it has something about being close to the kill, being able to see the last signs of undead life slowly fade away. But most important seeing, smelling and feeling the fear as they fight for they life that has given up on them.

Thinking that it would be better to just turn up without my bike, in case it gets stolen wouldn't want my baby to go missing now. I hailed a black cab and just sat back relaxing and replaying over and over again the words of that thick headed arrogant sexy vampire said "but you're nothing more than a little human girl!" How I wish my life could be that easy. We can't have everything we wish for I guess.

Hoppe You Alll Liked It!

It Was Just A filler Really Action Starts Next Part I Guess

The Next Part Should Be Up Next Week Some Time Or Even This Weekend Depends How Much Homework I Have To Do :(

See Blame Teachers For Me Not Writing It Is Alwayss There Faultt :D

Speakk Sooon

Kate xxx

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