Ken's birthday!

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Ken's POV
I was squinting my eyes to see my family in my room. I looked confused, as they say "Happy birthday!" Then my bro used the party poppers on me and my bed. Oh yeah, it's my birthday and that means PARTY!"

I came out of my bed and did my morning routine. I wore a blue long sleeved top, black jeans, black nike shoes and a black cap worn backwards. I went downstairs and saw a full english breakfast ready on the table. I was quite impressed on how quick my mom did it. I sat on the table, eating my breakfast while mom told me what's happening today.

M:"So what's gonna happen today,is that you'll have a limo and go anywhere with your friends. Then at 6pm you'll go to this venue, and you'll see." She winked at the last part.
K:"Awesome, thanks mom!" I hugged her.

Then I saw the boys come in, I quickly came out of the hug and brushed off my clothes with my hand. I kinda blushed, when they saw me.

J:"You ready?" He said sniggering.
K:"Let's go!" I said as I push them out into the limo.

We all went to the centre of the town, eating and drinking in all my favourite places. Right now, we were going to pick up the girls for going to this random venue.

W:"So how's it being a mama's boy?" He chuckles with the others.
K:"Just, shut up bros." I tried to hide my rosy cheeks.

The girls started to come in, with the gifts and saying happy birthday to me. On the other hand, Soph gave me a big kiss on the cheek which left a lipstick print. I noticed Bailey was here, I guess soph and Bailey are friends again. Soph took a selfie of her kissing my cheek.

K:"Off to the venue!" I shouted.

The car was still in the same position, with the engine running.

T:"Why isn't it moving?"
Driver:"There are two girls running to us."

Janelle and maddie were huffing and puffing when they got here. I was kinda alright for them to come with us, but then soph looked a bit frustrated and she was clenching my hand so hard. Then the car started moving.

J:"Do you know what the venue is all about, bro?"
K:"Nothing at all and it's really bugging me."
S:"Boogie and I may or may not know about it." He said expressing amusement with boogie.
Soph:"Tell me, girl!"
Bo:"Why should I?"
Soph:"Cause I'll tell Sean about, you know what." She grinned wickedly
Bo:"No please don't, I'll tell you!" She begged.
S:"What is the secret?" He said looking puzzled.
T:"She has a-" boogie quickly covered her mouth and then tati's voice was muffled saying the rest of it.
S:"Eh, I'll just get it out of you one way or another." He winked at boogie.
W:"I just noticed, why do you all have a bit of black marker on your faces?"
B:"We don't know who did this to our—" she got interrupted by Janelle and maddie dying of laughter.

I have a feeling that they had something to do with this.

Jan:"Sorry guys,just looking at funny photos."
B:"It's alright." She faked smiles.

She hates being interrupted while she's talking. We finally get there, once we got out of the car they all pushed me to the front. When I stepped in the venue, I was astonished to see the rest of my friend and family glowing in the dark. The squad and I got our face painted.

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