Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


Life is unexpected. It's cheesy, but it's true. Otherwise it would be boring and predictable, and the fun would be gone. And I'm all about the fun. The fun, and the not caring. The going wild and going crazy. That's me, apparently.

I'm not really, but that's what Zac Daniels wants me to be. He said so himself.

Perhaps I should start from the beginning...

* * *

"I can't believe our senior year is nearly over." My best friend Alex said wistfully as we putted our way through the school parking lot trying in vain to find a space for my ancient Camero. It had been my grandfather's, and had definitely seen better days.

"I can't believe it is only four weeks until spring break." I answered back.

"At least we aren't going in this old hunk-a-junk," Alex said playfully.

"Don't hurt his feelings or he'll break down for good." She chuckled, and pointed out one of the last few spaces available. We didn't speak until I had managed to manoeuvre the car into the space and had both jumped out, slamming the doors simultaneously.

"Four weeks, how is that possible? It seems like yesterday it was Christmas and we were planning this road trip." Alex mused as we wandered up the school steps and into the building, ignoring the milling students chattering by the lockers lining both walls.

"I just hope it will be ok..." I said, mainly to myself though Alex heard.

"Stop freaking out about it. You know they are only coming to cut down on the price of gas and hotel rooms. That's all. We'll shove her in the back and you can sit as far away from him as possible."

"It's one car Al, how far can I get from him, realistically? I just wish Jade could come with us, then maybe one of them would have to stay at home." We stopped in front of our lockers, which were positioned right next to each other, and I pulled mine open, scouring for my first period French textbook.

"My ears are burning." We both spun round to see our friend Jade, standing in all her five foot eleven glamorous glory, twirling a strand of blond hair around her finger.

"Are you sure you want to go to Mexico with Jack this spring break?" I said, only half joking. It had been the three of us for as long as I could remember, and it felt odd for Jade not to be coming with us.

"Sun, sea and the possibility of constant sex? Yeah, I'm pretty sure." We all laughed, but I could feel Jade's blue eyes searching mine. "Why, what's going through that pretty little head of yours Cara?"

"She's nervous about-" Alex started, but I slapped a hand over her mouth when I saw Eddie sauntering towards us, his usual grin plastered across his face.

"Ladies," he said in way of greeting. Eddie was one of mine and Alex's oldest friend, we had known him since pre-school. And though as we had grown and Eddie joined the basketball team, earning popularity status with jocks and cheerleaders alike, he hadn't forgotten me and Alex, the three of us remaining close. Jade had joined our school in sophomore year, expanding our friendship group with her bubbly personality and goddess type looks. But true popularity had skimmed over Alex and I, and we remained 'by association' only. Which suited me just fine.

"Hey Ed. Good weekend?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"Usual. But I went with the old man to see the car we'll be using. Girls, we'll be cruising in style, that I can promise you." Eddie was coming with us on the road trip we had been planning to Los Angeles during spring break, and he was definitely the most excited about it. In fact, the whole thing had been his idea, hence the other two unwanted guests coming along.

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