Assiduity (America x England)

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Arthur sat alone in his study room, a strike was hurting at the side of his head that seemed like forever. Raindrops  slid across the glass window, racing each other which one of them will reach the window sill. The Englishman's warm Earl Grey was not valid to warm his heart up. Colourful, sweet, fluffy macaroons and a piece  of luscious black forest cake left untouched, his mind filled with his aggravating paperwork and of course, his special someone. 

His back slumped against the back of his seat, sighing heavily as he closed his eyes for a few moments. The room was muted, only loud tick-tockings were heard across the room, no footsteps, no sounds outside. 

It was 12:03 am. 

Alfred was supposed to arrive home by around 10 pm, giving sweet, pleasing kisses to Arthur and hug him yearningly, eating and babbling about how is their days and maybe a horror movie together sometimes if Arthur was in a good mood. Ah, horror movies and Alfred were always a hullabaloo for Arthur. He would gasp for oxygen and reach his hand into the thin air, praying that Alfred will hug him gentler next time. But he still liked it, seeing how adorable Alfred would be every time they finish one. He would shake Arthur up when he needed to do his business in the loo, and hug Arthur closely and firmly, trembling of the ghost that would spook and chase his soul out,  like he always did when he was younger. And Arthur will whisper reassuring words in his ears,  caressing his silky dirty blonde hair and a kiss on his forehead whenever he whimpered in his sleep. 

But that had been delayed for almost a month. The sheets were always cold and deserted when Arthur went to sleep. His hand always gliding across the cold, empty place beside him, frowning as he went to sleep. And every morning he would find scattered clothing on the floor. The first few nights when he was away, he'd always send messages saying that he'll be late. But stopped after a week. Sometimes he'd find himself awoke at midnight, the place beside him was empty, he'd sit up and sob, missing him so much by his side, missing his warmth, missing his laughter, missing his everything. 

Arthur stood up from his seat, wobbling and tottering as he felt dizziness and pain stricken at the side of his head. It worsens. Maybe it's a migraine. He tried to be steady, leaning against the wall for support. His legs were quivering, as he cursed under his breath. He slowly walked towards the door, opening it and blinked. The living room was dark. Weird. He thought. He remembered he left the lights lit when he went to finish his work. Maybe..he came home after so long? Fool. He rushed up to their bedroom, his headache striking with every heavy step he made, knocking on his head but was ignored.

"Alfred!!?" He shouted. 

Empty. He let out a smile. An unhappy smile. 

Maybe...he left me? 

Blubbering, he walked towards the bed and sat down heavily, his hands wiping the uncontrollable tears that kept spilling from his darling emerald eyes. Now, who would want to see him crying like that? The sleeves of his sweater are watery, as he closed his eyes with his hands, body trembling. He can't hold it in anymore. He noticed that a sound from downstairs was rather loud. Thieves? He didn't care anymore. 

The sound stopped after a while and he can notice muffled footsteps from the stairs. Nothing meant to him anyway. The footsteps went closer and closer until it stopped right in front of him. 

"What do you want," His voice was trembling, filled with sorrow and worry. 

It didn't answer. Whatever was in front of him wasn't answering. Instead, he heard plastic wrappings being crushed and threw to the dustbin, footsteps walking closer to him. Slender, muscular arms wrapped around him, as he pushed away. Arthur opened his eyes, only to meet with a pair of pulchritudinous baby blue eyes. He hid his eyes behind his hands and crooked his neck a bit more. Arms were wrapped around him,  an affectionate and tender kiss was planted on his forehead, as he looked at the person standing in front of him. A warm smile was formed across Arthur's lips, as he leaned in for a passionate, sweet kiss. 

"Where are you when I need you?" Arthur's arms are wrapped tightly around Alfred's torso, like he was going to disappear into thin air any moment. 

"Sorry, I was working overtime," Alfred whispered. 

"bloody wanker, it's not like I missed you or anything," He buried his head further into his chest, seeming to hide his blush. 

Alfred ruffled his hair, and stood there for a few moments, before trying to pull away from him to get freshen up. He always failed to since Arthur always pulled him back and his hug was always tighter every minute. Nonetheless, Alfred still lets him hug him to his content quietly. Arthur suddenly lifted up his head, his emerald green eyes staring into his. Alfred let out a wide smile, his eyes were still energetic after a day's work. 

"Next time, pay more attention to me, more than your bloody work," He said softly, the side of his head pressed against Alfred's muscular chest. 

"I will," He kissed him dearly again. 

"I hate you," 

"And I love you too," And then there was a flustered Arthur with a chuckling Alfred being punched. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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