Chapter 7

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Niall was sweating bullets as he waited for the results to finally pop up. After spending hours locked in the toilet, puking his guts out, he had finally decided to get a pregnancy test done even though he knew the answer without taking a fucking test for it. 

He could hear Louis and Liam knocking on the bathroom door and Harry telling them to fuck off and leave the blonde alone. At these moments, he was fucking grateful to have Harry Styles as his friend. Even though he didn't know the situation, he was always the calmest one among all of the boys. Liam tended to fret a lot and Louis just glared at you for hours if you didn't give a suitable answer to feed his curiosity. 

"Are you alright Niall? Louis and Liam have gone downstairs so can I come inside?" The slow, husky British accent called out and as tempted as Niall was to say no, he knew that he would need somebody to hug and hold while he waited for the results. He definitely needed somebody to lend him a shoulder to cry on once the results finally showed a positive sign. With that, he opened the bathroom door, making sure the other boys were gone and dragged Harry inside before locking the door. 

Niall watched the curly haired band mate watch the white stick he held in his hands and raised a curious eyebrow. Now, everybody in the band and the crew that worked with them knew that him and Louis were definitely not the perfect couple the fans made him out to be. Sure, Niall loved his husband's sense of humor and there was a time when he actually felt something towards the man (those feelings were definitely still there) but now he had a raven haired lover who looked like he could kill anybody who said one thing to offend him but was actually a complete sweet heart. 

"Are you pregnant?" The two boys eyed the stick, one of them smiling widely when the blue positive sign came on and the other one, slumping down on the floor with tears in his eyes. It shouldn't have been such a shock to Niall considering he did have his suspicions before he looked at the death stick but he hated being proved right. He would much rather have it show the negative sign, even if it was just a lie. 

"I guess I am," His voice shook as Harry wrapped his arms around the small friend. Sometimes , Harry was actually painfully frightened by how small and fragile Niall was. Yes, the blonde could hold up a fight against Louis but that was simply because the older brunette would never want to actually hurt his husband. Niall was just so soft and small and he fit snugly into Harry's arms.

"Why are you crying about this then?" Harry asked, smiling slightly because he knew what was going on. The dinner was enough to prove something, anything actually to Harry. He might pretend to be oblivious but everything that happened under the table, was known to him. He wasn't as dumb as people thought him to be. 

"Because I'm cheating on Louis, just like he is on me. But I'm worse than him because I'm doing it with somebody who he cares or well, cared about. I'm pretty sure he still cares about him, he's just too dumb to voice his opinions out. Especially when he's angry, you know he tends to hold a grudge right?" Harry nodded, chuckling when he realized that Niall was trying to stall the topic. 

"Just tell me Niall. You know I don't judge," The blonde sighed, shaking his head slightly. He really did want to confide in someone and Harry was definitely a trust worthy person. Among everyone in the band, he was definitely the closest to Harry but what could he say? That he was probably the most shittiest husband in the universe who just out of simple jealousy used Zayn as a distraction but that ended up becoming as something so much more and now he's addicted to Zayn and his kisses and can't leave? Hell no...but he did have to tell somebody about this. It was becoming too much for Niall to hold onto alone. 

"You know when Louis was dating Eleanor but he used to sneak into my bedroom every night?" Niall started, fidgeting with his fingers as he waited for Harry to reply. A simple nod from the brunette was enough to encourage the blonde to continue. "We had sex the first night he came into my room. That continued for almost a year before I started developing feelings for him and I asked him again and again to leave Eleanor. Don't get me wrong, I loved El and what not, but it was so hard to watch Louis openly flirt and walk around with her when he couldn't do that with me. Around that time, Zayn realized what was going on when I started getting depressed and having suicidal thoughts. He volunteered to be a distraction and soon enough, my mind was not constantly on Louis but on Zayn. We used to hang out and go to different places. It was never romantic or flirty, just two friends hanging out." 

Harry nodded his head again, taking it all in. He could remember the time when suddenly Zayn and Niall were the closest among them all and even though it was kind of confusing at the time, he could really see where Niall was coming from right now. He was always so sensitive and easily hurt, with fans yelling at him again and again for not being good looking enough, his relationships troubles were all he needed to be pushed off to the edge. Harry mentally thanked Zayn for saving his best friend. 

"But one night we got drunk, out of our wits. It was just a stupid drinking game but we both woke up the next morning naked. The thing was, I didn't forget anything. I remembered it all because it was just so perfect and beautiful. The times he told me I was gorgeous and pretty was uncountable. After that, Zayn and I started doing this again and again. It became a normal thing to sneak kisses off especially when Louis was busy with Eleanor or just ignoring my existence. But then things happened, he saw my attention was no longer on him and suddenly, he was back in my room. We were having sex again and I was, once again his dirty little secret. Only this time, I had a secret of my own and I wasn't going to tell Louis about anything. Zayn, on the other hand, knew it all. He knew I was seeing Louis, he could see the hickies and he never questioned me on them but just smiled sadly every time." 

Niall looked up to see Harry's reaction but the younger brunette was just smiling sadly at Niall. It was selfish of him really, to have kept Zayn but he simply couldn't let the raven haired man go. He had tried, several times but Zayn had become a habit. He loved going back to somebody who actually cared rather than pretending not to. 

"Well, finally Louis decided to break up with Eleanor and you guys remember that it was the same night when he officially asked me out. And a few months after that we were happily engaged and about to get married. That was the time when I noticed Zayn consuming pills, anti-depressants and it was just killing me inside to know what I was doing to him. He loved Louis, still does. They pretend that they are pissed at each other but they both care for each other. After that, I was the one who encouraged him to leave, the restrictions were always too much for him and I was tired of hearing him whine about how he couldn't color his hair, grow a proper beard or even sing his own songs. So, I gave him the extra push he needed to finally do something of his own. He couldn't tell anyone the real reason and it hurt me to know that everybody was blaming him when I was at fault. I was controlling his life and I still am. That idiot will leave everything if I just say the word," Niall choked back a sob. It was so true though, he knew the way Zayn loved him. It was unhealthy but it was his own way of showing how much Niall meant to him. 

"What are you going to do now Niall? I get that you and Louis aren't exactly in the most perfect relationship but you guys have Freddie. What will happen to him when you decide to leave Louis? You know he won't give up on his own son right? And honestly, that guy is crazy enough to murder Zayn for stealing his family," The two of them chuckled because Louis might just punch the living shit out of Zayn once he came to know of everything. 

Niall hugged Harry tightly, wanted to be embraced again by his best friend. It was just being close to himself right now and actually knowing that they cared, which meant a lot to Niall. 

"I don't know what I'll do." 

AN/ A bit of an insight on what Louis, Zayn and Niall's relationship. I actually wrote another chapter yesterday and honestly, it was so cringe worthy. I am not even particularly proud of this final chapter but oh well, it's better than the previous one. 

My favorite author's new book came out and I know that I am announcing the same shit in all of my stories but damn, I love Durjoy so much. His books are my lifeline. Anywhore, he is simply amazing and I love his crude sense of humor and sarcasm. Everybody should check his stuff out tbh. 

So, NEXT UPDATE WHEN THIS CHAPTER GETS 50+ VOTES AND 30+ COMMENTS! I swear upon Niall that I won't update until the goal is reached. 







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