Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Reuniting with old friends


   I woke the next morning with one thing on my mind, get ahold of my old friends. I reach for my phone thats on the side table and send a text to Mariah, Paula, And Amanda. I just hope they could forgive me for leaving and not keeping connection. I hear Kinley crying from her crib, so I jump out of bed and Lift her out of her crib. 

"oohhh Stinky baby" i smile

   I gently lay her on my bed and pull off her dirty diaper and replacing it with a new one. I decide just to dress her in a onesie. To my surprise El was wide awake sitting on the couch catching up on some Breaking Bad episodes.

"El You are still watching that stuff" I smirk carrying Kinley

"Hey, this is good unlike your Once apon atime crap"

"Hey!" i gasp

"Sorry" she winks

  I carry Kins into the kitchen sitting her in her highchair and search for some baby food. I know she isn't all about the baby food, but she needs to start! As she trows a fit while i feed her my phone buzzes. I reach over and see a text from Mariah.


From: Mariah

Hey! Free today? meet us at 304 longview drive!

   I had no clue where that was, but I was willing to look for it just so I can see my old friends! Now if I can get El to babysit..


   Thank god Beau texted Mariah, because Louis came up with the perfect Idea to suprise her. We were in Cali, and we rented out a nice empty building and we well redecerated it and Set up a two seat table roses everywhere and The girls agreed to catering. Amanda luckily had a babysitter for her and Nialls Son or they wouldnt be able to help. Paule figured out what Zayn did and well lets say she's a single lady.

I just hope this works..


   I recieved a few more texts from Mariah, basically her telling me to dress nice and what time I was to be there by. It was totally not like Mariah to plan ahead. She was usually the late one and had no clue when things would happen. I just got dressed nicely and Kissed Kinley goodbye and drove to the adress I was given. It was some abandoned building..

"Hello?" I call out as I walk inside

   Out of No where a Middle light comes one a reveals and table nicely set up for two..Then there was Harry in a Tux.


"Hello Beau, Please sit" he says with ease

"Harry I should just leave" i say turning around only to be stopped by Mariah

"Beau, Give him a chance" She say in all seriousness

   I turn back around and walk towards Harry. He pulls out a chair waiting for me to take a seat. 

"Harry what is this all about?" I ask

"I need to apologize, for what I said and for how I treated you"

"Harry then you might aswell stop, because this time I wont be so forgiving" 

"Beau Listen..Please"

"I'm listening"

   "Ok, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, i just didn't expect Zayn to do that kind of thing. He has always treated girls with respect. I shouldn't have said those things to you and I regret making you feel worthless...I shouldn't have let you walk out. I should have Just believed you.. Look Beau I am completely head over heels in Love with you. Before I met you Ihad no clue what love was, and nor did I care what love was. I am so glad I went to Uni, I'm so glad I got the nerves to walk up to you that night at the party..And now here we have a beautiful Daughter together and I wanna give you my all and I want to be there for you and Kinley. I don't want Kinley growing up without a dad In her life..Beau I love you anfd I don't think I could go on living without you" He nervously says

  I let everything he just said to me sink in, no guy has ever said such good things to me and I truly adore everything he just said.

   "Harry, I grew up in a terrible home, My father was abussive ever since my mum died, he always told me it was my fault she died and I could never be loved. Everyday he told me I was ugly and he regretted me. I let what he said get to me and I pushed everyone away. I hated mysef I even did things I massively regret, but one thing I don't regret is meeting you that night..You made me realize I can be loved if i Just opened up..Yes i've been broken since that night, but they have only made me stronger and now I have Kinley and I am so greatfull for that. I don't want kinley growing up like I did. I see how she looks at you, she adores her daddy and You love her the exact same.. And so do I" I tear up

   Harry pulls me out of my seat lifting me up in his arms holding me close. I never wanted to let go..I wanted to freeze time..I had everything I have ever wanted, but yet there was one problem.. there wa someone out there who seeked revenge on Harry and I and Now Kinley is in danger.

"Harry I say we eat and get Kinley?" I smiles

"Sounds Great! Speaking of Kinley where is she?"

"My friend Eleanor Is watching her" i reply taking a bite of my meatball



"Harry how did you come up with all that?" i ask as we drive home

"Well i wanted to do something special and You texted the girls and they happend to be at my hotel at the time.."

"Well it was sweet Haz" I say as i step out of the car. I look foreward and see the front door open. I quickly run inside seeing it was trashed and saw El in the corner bleeding badly. I run to her side as Harry ran in.

"Th-they got Kinley. I-I tried" she softly says

   I stand the dropping to the floor in shock, taylor had kinley..My whole world was taken from me. Harry ran to my side dialling the bobbys. I blocked out everything, I was in my own world. Kinley has been kidnapped by Taylor and Daniel..I had no choice but Find them and Give them what they wanted...My life..

>{A/N} Well..Soorry it took so long I had massive writers block! I am making this book shorter then i was hoping possibly 25 chapters at the most. I am condiering making either a prequel ( before Harry and Beau met) or a trilogy:) 

What ever you think is best! Next chapter may take some time considering I have 2 major papers due >.< To bloody hell with school. 

Well i hope you loved/enjoyed this!:)<

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