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OK OK you guys know what pisses me off lately! Is why everyone is so mean to new directioners and don't want them to knoe about the boys! Like those pictures of Gemma and Harry and it says For New Directioners: Gemma and Harry aren't dating LIKE WHAT THE HECK! Why aren't we accepting the new fans?! NEW FANS MEANS OUR BOYS ARE GETTING BIGGER AND NEW DIRECTIONER FRIENDS! We should be nice and help them learn about the boys and become directioners with us!

The whole carrot thing kinda pisses me off to! I DONT CARE HOW OLD U R! If your a directioner and love and support the boys i love u!! Like seriously!

I don't understand why this fando is becoming so mean! The boys would want us all to be nice and get along! Whatever happened to us being a big happy family?!?!

Am i the only one who feels this way?

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