Past 2

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Sprachfest was well underway, I had finished all of the God awful tests I'd had to take. I was napping waiting for the three hours to be up so the results could come in. I checked my phone; it was noon and I had already eaten Chick-fil-A..nothing to do but sit there and guard my high schools camp out with everyone's stuff. I pushed myself more into the uncomfortable chair in hopes of falling asleep; only to be shaken seconds later. I opened my eyes to see two girls from my school, Tiffany and Rema, reapplying deodorant and fixing their hair. "What have you two been up to?" Although I wasn't really interested, I felt like this had to be at least a little entertaining. Tiffany responded, "We've been playing soccer, there's this really cute guy outside and asked us to play."
I smirked, "Tiff when have you ever cared for the attention of cute guys?"
"Oh I'm not I just wanted something to do, but he is cute. He's not from here either."
"Really?" Now it was getting interesting.
"Yeah, he's from-- some Middle Eastern place."
"He's from Israel," Rema interjected, "but he's a ginger. And he's really good at soccer"
"Oh," I instantly lost any interest in checking this guy out, red head boys were never my type. All of the ones I'd encountered were either stuck up or complete wimps. On that last thought I grinned, my years of being in a house full of boys began to show through. "Can I go play with you guys? I wanna see if he's as good as you say." Rema shrugged, not really caring. Tiffany on the other hand gave me a look, as if she suspected something. We walked out of the college where the competition was being held. The sun was playing hide and seek with the earth as the clouds rolled by. I followed the girls out into the court yard, and seeing that most of our school was out there. I rolled my eyes, of course most of the girls would come out to see some foreign squatter.
Tiff giggled lightly and pointed, "That's him." I looked where she pointed---- there are no words to describe what I felt as my gaze hit him. Only thing close is that something permanent clicked into place inside of me. His ivory skin glowed in the sudden sunlight, muscles pressed against his tight black shirt, jeans ripped at the knees in an oddly appealing way, feet in only socks, and sunglasses on. I immediately was drawn to the need of knowing what color they were. As if fate intended to bend to my every whim, he took them off as a smirk painted its why onto his face. They were brown, a deep, soul crumbling brown. I had never been a fan of brown until that moment. Suddenly, as if sensing my obsession, he looked my way. My limbs burned in fear. Predator. Angel. Those words clung to him tighter than his shirt. For the first time in my life I'd begun to notice how plain I seemed: in my mothers shirt, slept in bun, faded jeggings, old boots, and yesterdays makeup under my eyes.
I turned to Tiffany, instantly in panic. "Do I look ok? I feel like a hobo." Her eyes gave away the obviousness in my reasons. "No, Gwen, I think you are naturally a beautiful person." Not getting what I asked for I tried a different tact. "Well should we go rejoin or wait to be asked?"
"I suppose we should wait, I mean what's the rush?" Ha...rush..yes I only had 3 hours to make a good impression.
"So...we could play tag?" Excellent! I processed how athletic I was compared to Tiffany and Rema; exponentially more so. The realization that because of this the game would be short came after the few minutes of purposefully loud squeals and jogging around. Once it came, a stout girl approached me about being goalie. I looked over to see the Predator conversing with a freshman from my highschool. I glared long enough for him to notice and waddle to me, much like a penguin. "You and him seem pretty chummy." I commented sourly, the freshman seemed a bit hurt by it.
"He's really nice, he became instant friends with everyone."
"Do you even know his name?" I scoffed.
"His name is Adam."

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