Chapter 2

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"Yes this is Farkle. How can I help you?"

Riley burst out laughing at my reply to the strange number, "Oh my lord this is so fun!"

"And a little terrifying" I admitted. It hadn't even been a few minutes when I got the text from the unknown number. Now, Riley had insisted that I text them back.

"Riley is this a good idea?" I asked grabbing my phone from her hand as it buzzed.


"Of course! How bad can this, uh, Farkle be? Did I even pronounce his name right? Oh! What did he say?" She giggled.

I showed her while I responded, "Wait a second....Stranger Danger!"
"Very funny"

"I'm freaking out!" I yelled.

"Calm down! Just tell him he has the wrong number"

"No seriously who is this?"

"Um, your locker neighbor?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Wow, he is very clueless" Riley admitted.

"Um, Farkle Minkus? Your friend? Is this a joke? What the hell Lucas?!"

"I knew this was a bad idea!" I said recalling at the message.

"Relax! It's fine! At least we aren't freaks" Riley said a little uncertain.

"Listen Farkle? This isn't Lucas. Besides your number looks like it's from a different state"

It was true, Farkle seemed to be not far but not very close either.

"Well if this isn't a joke then who are you?"

"Riley!" I yelled, my eyes wide.

She grabbed my phone and replied, "I'm Maya. I'm up north. That's all you're getting"

"That doesn't help me!" I yelled.

"Relax Maya! It's just a joke! He'll leave soon anyways"

"North? Really? How close?"

"Oh you Northern too? I'm not saying what state. Why don't you just ask Lucas?"

"That would be a good idea if I had his correct phone number"

"Hey don't get snappy with me. You're the one disrupting my Friday night"

Riley let out a frustrated sigh, "Are we done with this yet? It's taking forever!"

"Hold on" I said. I typed back, "Listen I hope you get this all figured out but like I have to go"

The reply took a few minutes, "Sorry. I'll get the correct numbers tomorrow. Sorry again!"

"It's okay, talk later"

"Will do"

"Okay I'm ready" I told Riley as I slipped my phone back into my purse. I tried to forget the fact that I just said I would talk to the mystery boy again soon.

"Good. You should probably delete the conversation and block his number" She said already walking.
I bit my lip and said nothing as I followed her.

Unknown Number ⇆ MarkleWhere stories live. Discover now