A Good Kind of Different (Alternate Ending)

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*hey all this is an alternate ending to an AMAZING destiel that rips your heart out so before you read this go read  A Good Kind of Different thanks and bye*  (PS This is in Deans POV)

After Dean had kissed Jo on the hill he saw people in the corner of his eye. He looked over more clearly and one of the men looked somewhat fimilar. He was the dude who had kissed him when he woke up. Dean couldn't deny that when he kissed him Dean liked it but he had to push those feelings down; he had a new start and he wasn't going to act upon a little flutter in his chest. But, when he was going to the suite he and Jo shared he closed his eyes for a breif second and saw those blue eyes something sparked. And, then Dean had remembered him, everything. They way he felt when Cas was close by him in his sleep, they way Dean felt before he was going home to go propose to Cas.

Jo must've noticed Dean acting strange and she looped her skinny arms around his waist and smiled up at him

"Dean honey what's wrong?" Dean looked down at her with gulit and confusion in his eyes

"This all of this it's wrong. I can't do this I have to find Cas tell him I love him how sorry I am. Did you see him he looked so thin."

"Excuse me? Him? Are you telling me you're in love with another man because if that's so-"  Dean cut her off with a kiss on the cheek

"Yes Jo and sorry I just need to find Cas!" Dean ran off to the Impala and whipped out his phone to text Sam


FROM SAMMY: 3457 Grand Burry Street Apartment 221C If he doesn't answer ask his neighbors if they've seen him they're at 221B.

Dean didnt bother to respond he neeeding to get to Cas A.S.A.P tell him he was sorry and so much more. When Dean arived he didn't bother to go up the stairs he ran up the fire escapes until he came to a window that had to be Cas's because it had a picture of them together on the fireplace mantel. Dean opened the window and leaped inside.

"CAS? CAS WHERE ARE YOU?! IT'S ME DEAN! BABY I REMEMBER!" Dean was screaming when he entered looking for Cas and  when he saw a piece of paper on the little tabel and read it to himself and the last line outloud

"I should hang myself from i-" Dean stopped ubruptly, gasped and wiped tears that were coming down from his face and ran back to the closet in horror. He carefully pryed Castiel out of the rope and onto the floor muttering opologies and crying while running a hand through his hair. Dean kissed him multiple times like true love's kiss could bring him back

"Oh, Castiel, Oh Baby I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I never remembered you, I'm so sorry I know how much it must've hurt you when I pushed you off." Dean was now sobbing racks through his body and cradiling Castiel's body close to him "CASTIEL!!" Dean cried out for the last time and then he heard slow clapping from the door way. Dean turned around to see who the clapping belonged to, Micheal.

"Wow you don't know how amusingly pathetic that looked, I mean really with all that happened you think he would just hang on and wait?" Micheal  barked a laugh "Honestly Dean I knew you weren't gonna remember intime to save him but really you walk over here thinking he's alive?!" He kept laughing and Dean stood up slowly and placed Castiel gently on the bed before walking past Micheal and stopping staring him dead in the eye.

"If you-If you were HALF the man Castiel was-" Dean didn't finish his sentence before Micheal had him pinned on the wall by his suit jacket lapels and Micheal shouted.

"IF I WAS HALF THE MAN CASTIEL WAS WHAT? HMMM TELL ME DEAN WHAT WOULD I HAVE DONE! YOU DON'T THINK I TRIED TO HELP MY BROTHER! EVEN THOUGH OUR FAMILy DISOWNED HIM AND WAS MAD AT HIS DECISONS IN LIFE DOESN'T MEAN I LOVED HIM ANY LESS!! SO GO AHEAD DEAN TELL ME THAT I DIDN'T! TELL ME THAT I DIDN'T LOVE MY BROTHER!" Micheal was now crying and the anger in his eyes turned to sadness, and he dropped Dean from the wall and slowly walked into Castiel's room and sat down by his side.

"I'm going to go now." Micheal just stayed like a satue next to Castiel holding his and and crying.

"Micheal. He did love you too. Somedays I would come home and find him crying over how much he missed you and Gabriel dispite your opionions." Dean left Castiel's apartment and went into the car and drove to a lake and he walked in ready to die.

"Cas you aren't taking this journey alone."

The End

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