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IT'S A PROVEN fact that the left lung of every human being is a little smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart

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IT'S A PROVEN fact that the left lung of every human being is a little smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart.

At least, that's the only line I had picked up over the viewing of one of Dove's medical dramas. After my little melodramatic breakdown, she made it a point of hauling me through our home, straight to her bedroom and leaving me there to my own solitude. Some time later, she had shown back up with two glasses of wine.

She then announced that I was in dire need for her breakup remedy, and watching films and getting wine played a thick part in the aforementioned. It was glaringly obvious what she was doing and although I greatly appreciated her intentions, watching The Vow, The Proposal or any other film that began with a dramatic 'the' didn't quite tempt me. Still, she was adamant on watching something to lift my spirits so we compromised on a series that we both enjoyed instead and she slotted in House M.D.

It's funny how a one-liner can so easily stick with you. Albeit, what Gregory House had said wasn't so much of a one-liner but more along the lines of a medical diagnosis – still, it stuck with me. The first part, at least. So much that I had gotten absorbed in my own train of thought that the rest of his verdict had fallen on deaf ears. Only because what he had said had prompted me back to all those times when I had began to show symptoms. All those times where I had shortness of breath, every time I would hold onto the left part of my chest and felt like something was missing.

I think a part of me wanted it to be him, wanted it so badly to be Chris to get under my skin just to be in it and fill all the gaps and the crevices to mold every inch of me, just enough to make me whole again.

I don't blame him for being incapable of doing any of the sorts. In fact, I think of it more as a blessing in disguise, all things considering. If it weren't for Chris letting me down in that way, I might've never grown enough to realise how much I had to pick myself together until he tore me apart.

So underneath that grey cloud that kept hovering over me were several silver linings to be found. Bonding with my sister being one of them. With this realisation dawning on me, my brain instantly resumed back into what played in front of me and it was hard to fight off the slanted smile that had kissed my lips.

"Lila. Lila." Dove nudged my foot that skimmed the side of her thigh. Her light eyes and raspy voice slowly pulled me out of the spell I had fallen into. It seemed like I was always falling into something or someone lately, luckily I had my sister to count on to pull me back to the ground.

I turned toward her, only to find her glaring at me with a pointed look. "Sorry, what was that?"

"Watching patients die time and time again is starting to become a drag," she said, tepidly. "Let's watch something else."

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