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When I first started Wattpad, I didn't say I was Christian. Well, I didn't say much of anything about me. But when I considered the various things about me to say, my faith was something that made me pause. Obviously I did but why does talking about our faith make us pause?
I live in a very small town. The majority of people that I personally interact with day to day are Christian. If I were to ask every student in my high school (of which there is less than two hundred) what religion they identify with, at least 80% maybe even 90% would say they were Christian.
But that doesn't mean we talk about it.
If I were talking to people outside of my friend group and I referenced going to church it wouldn't be a big deal, but if I were to go on and talk about church or youth group or a lesson it would get uncomfortable.
My friends and I talk about church a lot. Mostly, we talk about differences because I go to a different church than they all do. We "debate" (You know who you are).
Here on Wattpad it's been different and I feel more comfortable talking about Christianity. Maybe it's being anonymous, maybe it's that fact I don't have to talk face to face.
But we called called to share the gospel with anyone we can and anywhere and anytime we can. If it's allowed at your school, talk to others about Christ. Maybe just try bringing it up with your friends. Anyway that's all for this week.

Questions and Comments are welcome and appreciated and make me super happy!
Did you feel a pause about whether you would share your religion in Wattpad?
Which of these would you like a chapter(s) on?
Dating, Christian Stereotypes, Denominations, or something else.
Comment or message me your votes or ideas! Love you and have a fabulous week.

Thoughts from A Christian Teen GirlWhere stories live. Discover now