First Day

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Maica Sorolet was starting her first day in the Pangaea Magic Academy. She had just entered the conference hall where the opening ceremony will be held. It was her first day as a First Year in the academy so she was quite excited...

Or rather, it was supposed to be like that. She was probably wearing her usual poker face as always, but she was annoyed right now.


She was attracting a lot of attention as usual because of her stunning beauty. She might have sounded arrogant if she said this, but this sort of situation where both boys and girls would either stare at her or whisper to each other was already getting old. There were a few boys who approached her and tried to talk to her (their motives were obvious) but she would make them go away with "Don't talk to me." Those words were often enough to drive them away. As for the girls, she didn't see anyone wanting to talk to her. Maybe she was seen as anti-social?

She looked around. This hall that was shaped in a half-circle looked like it could hold about a thousand people. It looked like a theater and a coliseum combined, with the lowest place where you would expect magic gladiators fighting was actually the stage made of polished wood. The seating area was divided into five by staircases, with the First Years in the leftmost section and the Fifth Years facing them across the stage.

Everyone in here was a student.

She was still in the back where most of the students were sitting. She noticed that for some reason, the front rows were virtually empty save for a few people. It was the perfect place to get away from the crowd.

She headed to the front rows. She didn't like being in crowded places unless she was with her siblings or her close friends. She could make friends later, but not in this sort of situation...

Just before she could finally reach the front rows, a handsome boy sporting spiky brown hair blocked her way.

"Hello there. My name's Brook. What's yours?"

He was quite, no, very good-looking. He looked very amicable. At that moment, she heard murmurs and whispers from the crowd diagonally behind her. "Hey isn't that..." "...the champion from the National..." Her eyes widened slightly due to the surprise.


This boy must be Brook Somerset, the one who was the champion at the Duel portion of last year's National Youth Tournament. He defeated all of his opponents throughout the tournament with both physical brute force and destructive earth magic, and he did not bother to hold back even a little against weak opponents. Despite his fearsome reputation in the arena, she heard he was friendly and easy to get along with.


Somehow, she felt that she had to avoid this boy.

"Don't talk to me, and get out of my way." She went around him who was still blocking her way.

"Hey, don't be so cold. I want to get to know you better," said the guy named Brook, seemingly unaffected. He's following her? How persistent.

"I'm not in the mood to talk."

With those words, she hoped that the guy would stop, but...

"I'm sure you'll lighten up as long as you talk to me," he said, seemingly unaffected. It seems that the rumors about him being a flirt were true.

She stopped and turned around to face him.

"You're only flirting around with me, right? Stop it."

At that point, she was pulled by her hand, and her face got closer to Brook's.

"I only want to talk to you," he said with an expression that would probably make any girl's heart skip a beat. But for her, who saw that kind of expression many times from her many suitors, it only made her annoyed. She got away from his grasp before he could do anything more.

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