Chapter three

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Quietly, both Kankuro and Temari followed Naruto to the Hokage's office. They stopped at the door and watched as Naruto entered and went straight to their brother and smiled. They leaned further into the room, trying to see what exactly Naruto was smiling about… and they saw it. A small, fair skinned redhead was sleeping happily on Gaara's lap. Although, that wasn't what Naruto was smiling at. He was smiling at Gaara, and saying something before he reached down and gently slid his hands over Gaara's legs to lift the sleeping boys body gently. It seemed as though neither of them noticed the siblings as Naruto left with Nara, and Gaara watched him before going back to the conversation at hand. Naruto left the room and went to sit on the floor near the door. Temari and Kankuro followed suit, sitting on either side to looked at the boy. Kankuro spoke first.
"Again, what's with the kid-jan?" he asked. Naruto put a finger to his lips, telling him to be more quiet.
"And again, I can't say anything. Hokage's orders." Naruto whispered. This time it was Temari's turn to speak.
"Yes, we understand that Uzumaki, we mean does he have a name?" she asked. Naruto nodded.
"Yeah, his name is Nara. Tsunade-baachan said that he was around a year, if not more, years old." He said. Temari nodded.
"And where di-" She was cut off by a voice they all recognized.
"Sand ninja? And the Kazekage's escorts no less. What's going on?"
It was Shikamaru, and he was standing over Naruto and the baby.

Gaara and Tsunade were discussing how the child would be brought up. Bringing Gaara to Konohagakure was impossible, and Tsunade and Gaara both knew that Naruto would never allow Nara to be transported to and from both parents. So the only lasting option was that Naruto moved to Sunagakure.
"I don't think Naruto would want to do that, isn't he preoccupied with finding Sasuke as of now?" Gaara asked.
"It doesn't matter, if we find something, I'm sure he would be able to leave Nara with you and your siblings for a little while."
Gaara gave her a look, but it was lost behind his sand armor. He took a breath and spoke again;
"I have no problems with taking Naruto back with me, but he has to agree with it. This cannot be negotiated."
Tsunade nodded. She knew how much of a handful Naruto could be if he was forced to do something he didn't want to do. So, she came up with a condition of her own.
"That is reasonable, but you're asking him. That's my condition." She said. Gaara paused, thinking it over, then nodded.
"Yes, that might be for the best. I will have an answer for you tomorrow. Now , what will you say about his leaving if he agrees?"
Tsunade hesitated;
"Yes, I'll think of one by the time you get your answer…"
"Hokage-sama, I have the documents you asked for."
Shikamaru had entered the room, and seemed to already know that the Kazekage was here. Tsunade turned to him and spoke as Gaara stood and left. They're conversation was already over, he had no need to stay.

When he stepped out of the room, he found Naruto and Nara both sleeping quietly on the floor. He didn't realize he was staring until someone cleared their throat behind him. The Kazekage turned to see both of his siblings standing and looking at him. They were waiting to leave. Shaking his head, he motioned for them to go ahead.
"I need to speak to Naruto alone, you may go. I can protect myself."
They paused a moment, then nodded and walked towards their prepared rooms. Gaara watched them go before lightly shaking Naruto. He awoke with a gasp, then noticed it was him and relaxed. Maybe it would be good to ask Naruto about leaving when he was only half awake.
"Naruto…" He began, then stopped as Nara was gently handed to him as the blonde stood. Gaara took the boy and held him close to his chest before opening his mouth to speak.
"Gaara, have you eaten?"
He stopped, he hadn't eaten in two days, and he was indeed hungry.
"No." He answered shortly. Naruto nodded and took his wrist, pulling him down the hallway and out into the cold evening air. Gaara pulled his hand from Naruto's and walked alongside him. After a moment of silence, Naruto suddenly beamed and took Gaara's wrist again, pulling him toward a stand at a run.

"Oji-chan! A bowl of pork ramen please!" He called, pressing Gaara into a chair and sitting in the one next to him. The man behind the counter nodded and turned to Gaara.
"And what about you?" He asked. Gaara looked at Naruto who laughed.
"Make that two pork ramen please." He said. The man nodded and went about making them. Then the blonde spoke;
"Gaara, you were going to tell me something earlier, weren't you?" He asked, his eyes on the counter.
"Yes…" He answered. Naruto looked up, expectant.
"Naruto, would you come back to Suna with me?" asked Gaara, looking away at the last moment and added; "For Nara."
Naruto looked surprised, then a small pink blush covered his nose.
"I-if it's for Nara, I would do anything." He replied. Gaara was satisfied with this answer, not happy, but satisfied. They sat in silence, not awkward, but comfortable until their meal came. They ate, Naruto much more than Gaara, and decided that they should part ways for the night. But that's when it went sour.

"What do you mean I can't take Nara? I've been with him the longest!" Naruto exclaimed.
"I see no reason he cannot stay with me tonight. " Gaara answered calmly. Naruto frowned, he knew he had no real reason to disagree.
"I want him with me…" Naruto said quietly, up until now he'd had Nara all to himself. Gaara understood, Naruto had become very protective of the child and wanted him with at his side all the time, no matter how powerful Gaara was. So Gaara came up with a compromise;
"If you want to stay with Nara, you will stay over in the guest quarters with me and my siblings."
Naruto looked at him, then Nara, then back again. After some time, he only turned and lead the way.
When they arrived, Gaara lead the way into the building and Naruto followed behind. They walked through the house, bare feet making very little noise when they heard talking;
"Temari no, I don't think Konoha's having an emergency." It was Konkuro talking.
"Then why would we be called on an urgent notice, I read the letter Konkuro. It said extremely classified and urgent." Temari responded. Naruto started for the door of the room Temari and Kankuro were in. Gaara stopped him and gently placed Nara in his arms before stepping in himself. Both of his siblings nearly jumped out of their skin. Both opened their mouths to talk, but Gaara stopped them with a motion of his hand. With a look to Naruto, who nodded signaling that there was no one listening.
"Naruto." Gaara was taking off his gourd and setting it in the corner as he called the blondes name. Naruto crossed the room and stood beside him, Nara still in his arms.
"This," Gaara motioned to Nara, "is our son."

Both sand siblings jaws were to the floor. Temari recovered momentarily, but Kankuro only stared.
"A rogue medical ninja who is believed to have connections to Orochimaru was captured, and his research was inspected." Gaara explained. Naruto continued;
"So, what he was doing was combining DNA strands of two different people, trying to create new Kekkei Genkai. Nara was the only one to survive-tebbyo."
Kankuro's jaw had returned to normal and Temari was looking thoughtful.
"Wait, you said 'our' son. Does that mean…?" Temari asked. Kankuro's face turned slightly green under his face paint, though no one noticed. Gaara nodded.
"Nara is a mixture of Naruto and my DNA."
"So, what about the kid?" It was Kankuro who spoke this time.
"He's coming back to Suna with us, as well as Naruto."

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