
586 28 14

October 16th 2011

Little Caroline lay beside the window, watching a pair of birds hopping about their nest. The doctor had said she will be alright now. She can move about and play with other children, and do what other children did, and eat candy and anything else she pleased.

‘Caroline! Doctor’s here to see you sweetie!’, Her mom entered the room. ‘You should thank him darling.’

A tall handsome man in a white coat and thin glasses entered the room.

‘Good morning Caroline! How’re you doing today?’ He inquired with a smile.

‘Fine!’ Caroline replied brightly.

‘That’s good to hear! You ready to go out and play?’, the doctor gestured towards the window.

‘Yes!’ She was excited, very excited for her new life to begin. She couldn’t wait to get off this bed, get away from this white room and walk, run, play. To see the sun and touch its warmth. To feel the rain on her tongue. To experience what she couldn’t these past 6 years: to experience life.

‘Thank you Doctor Garrett!’

‘You’re very welcome sweetheart’, he smiled again. His big dazzling smile.

‘Doctor Garrett, I was wondering if we could have the donor’s address or perhaps their phone number? I’d really like to show my apprecia—'

‘Oh, I’m afraid the donor passed away a few years ago, Mrs. Smith.’

‘Oh! That’s very sad! I wanted to do something. Carla has never been so happy.’

‘He was…’ Doctor Garrett hesitated. ‘He was a good friend of mine.’

‘He must be a really wonderful person then. I can always pray for him.’ Mrs. Smith wondered happily.

‘He was indeed.’

‘I’d like to pray to God for him too!’ It was little Caroline this time. 'What was his name?'

Doctor Garrett smiled.

‘Nate. His name was Nate.'

‘I’m sure Mister Nate is happy in heaven right now!’ The little girl said, more to herself than to the others.

‘I'm sure he is.'

The doctor sighed, more to himself than the others. Memories of that kind, gentle face flickered in his mind as he looked out of the window and breathed in the life, which he'd once almost lost his grip on.

Bastard's gone to heaven and left us here, he chuckled to himself.

The bastard had saved them all.

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