She Wanna Be Me

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Jade's POV:

"Who knew you'd be so much fuckin work?" Melrose tells me as we get ready to go to couple's counseling.

"From jump you knew but you know you love my crazy ass." I give her a passionate kiss after I finish putting ointment and make up over the scratches I caused.

"I know but it seems like I would be better off with an ugly loyal chick. You "bad bitch" types do too much." Melrose shakes her head at me.

"Whatever. Come on, we gon be late." I strut out to the car in my cute professional like attire.

Melrose drives us to couple counseling. We have an appointment with a Therapist named Mrs.Murray. I am a little nervous though cause I feel like all the issues that me and Melrose have in our relationship are basically my fault so I am trying to prepare myself to be picked on. I know I can't keep running from whatever problems I got but at the same time, I rather be doin other shit. Probably some dumb shit that would get my ass in some crazy ass situation so it's probably best that I am here.

"Hi, I am Mrs. Murray." A tall, slim white woman comes out her office to greet us then leads us into it.

"I am Melrose and this is my wife, Jade." Melrose introduces us as we sit together on a sofa accross from Mrs.Murray.

"Nice to meet you two. So, How would you describe your relationship?" Mrs. Murray questions.

"Stressed, dysfunctional, and confusing. However, full of love, passion, and dedication." Melrose tells her.

"Jade, do you agree with Melrose's description of your relationship?" Mrs. Murray questions while jotting something down.

"Um, yeah. I do. I mean. Neither of us are perfect so I don't expect our relationship to be either." I say.

"Do you feel like Melrose expects you or your relationship to be perfect?" Mrs.Murray asks me.

"No, but she expects me to be someone who is structured and disciplined and I don't know how to be." I admit.

"What she means to say is that she doesn't know how to be faithful to me or how to be an adult in a committed relationship." Melrose chimes in.

"Melrose, I believe Jade said it exactly how she interprets it." Mrs. Murray defends me. "However, Jade, are you unfaithful to Melrose?"

"Yea, sometimes." I admit.

"Why are you unfaithful to Melrose?" Mrs. Murray continues jotting down some shit in her annoying little notebook.

"Sometimes it's for attention, affection, and other times I crave sex with another person." I shrug.

"So, if Melrose gave you the attention and affection you seek, you'd continue to be unfaithful because you still would need to satisfy the craving to have sex with another person?" Mrs. Murray says, making me feel like a bad person.

"I don't know. It's not like we don't have a good relationship cause we do! Melrose is good to me and for me. She gives me plenty of love, attention, and affection. Our sex life is bomb! However, before me and Melrose had gotten together, I had a short sexual relationship with her twin brother who she stole me away from. I'm not sure if I ever gotten completely over him. I crave him too and I don't know how to stop!" I blurt, feeling frustrated.

Mrs. Murray takes over her glasses and rubs her temple. "Ok, we can follow up with another session in about a week?" Mrs. Murray leads us back into the waiting room.

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