Chapter 1

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A loud beeping woke the angel, his head pulsing.

Beep-beep beep-beep beep-beep

That annoying sound reminded him that he was in fact alive and immortal. And his attempted suicide didn't end how he wished.

"Jay! Goddamn you! What were you thinking, trying to kill yourself?!"

Of course, only his brother Cricket would be worried about him. Jay gave a soft grunt of annoyance, showing that he wasn't worried about what he tried to do.

"I. I'm tired of being lied to..." Jay strangled out and moved over to allow Cricket to lay next to him.

Cricket slowly moved onto the bed and hugged his brother close, afraid of what would happen if he let go.

Hours maybe days later, Jay opened his eyes again.

"Loving the restraints." He snarled in a sarcastic tone.

"It's only for today." A nurse replied, the tone of her voice showing she got this a lot.

"Oh, really? Then what? I'm let loose to try to kill myself again?"

"Keep talking like that, bubb, and you'll never leave." Cricket interrupted their conversation.

Jay gave him an icy glare before pulling the IV out after the nurse left.

"Let's go."

"Are you insane?!"

"Mentally, yes. You know that."

"I won't let you."

"Then I'll leave alone."

Cricket finally gave up. "Fine, but if I get put in jail again, you're to blame."

Jay laughed half-heartedly and stood up. "Aye, go figure out where they put my clothes. Shuck-heads..." He muttered, a small grin on his face.

Finally, Cricket arrived with his jeans and shirt.  "Took a whole lot of convincing." He said and handed the clothes over.

Jay took them and walked to the bathroom, stripping of his hospital gown and pulling on his jeans.

He rubbed his shoulder blade and looked at his fingers when he felt a wetness on them.

Blue dye stained the tips of his fingers. He frowned softly and turned his back to the mirror. After a minuet of looking, he called his brother in.

"Yeah budd?"

"What's on my back? It's like a tattoo..."

"It says, 'Jay Böse: The Corrupted Angel." Cricket said each word slowly as if he was dreading what they meant.

"The corrupted angel?" Jay questioned. "We'll do some research later. Let me see your shoulder."

Jay pulled his shirt on; Cricket pulling his off. His eyes searched for a tattoo, a soft gasp leaving him when he saw it.

"Yours says 'Cricket Kalon: The Passive Mortal."

Cricket pulled his shirt back on them   turned to Jay.

"What does this mean?"

"It means we're a part of something we don't know about..."

Jay shook his head. "You're wrong. This is just a prank..."

"No, it's not. This is-"

Kieran walked in. "Hey, I heard what happened. I'm really sor- oh. Hey, Cricket. Can I talk to Jay alone for a moment?"

Cricket slowly exited the room and Jay looked to Kieran. "What do you want?"

"I'm sorry, Jay. I wasn't right in the mind when I told you that. I. I do love you, so will you give me another chance?"

The words dropped on him like a brick. "No. I won't." He said harshly. "You hurt me, made me the monster I am today. You took my emotions and threw them away as if it was shit! No, I'm not giving the person that broke me another chance." Tears welled in his eyes and he turned away.

Kieran hugged him tightly, not giving him any room to move. Jay sighed and kicked him, forcing Kieran off himself. "Leave. Now." His voice cracked. "If that's what you want, okay. But I won't ever quit loving you..."

Cricket came back in a few minuets later just to find Jay crying on the ground.

Everything was piecing together now

Corrupted Angel. Jay was broken beyond repair

Passive Mortal. Cricket tried not to care even though he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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