Chapter 1- Bathroom Floors and Dirt Roads

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9 months later

"My feet hurt, my head aches, and back is bent oh weary is I-"

"No casting spells while pregnant! You know that's harmful to the baby, she could come out as a fish or worse a boy!" The midwife was right, the kingdom and all of Venox is dependent on this baby being a girl. There must be a marriage for the two halves of the world to become one and on this world marriage can only happen between a girl and a boy. Like I said this world isn't as mature as Earth.

"I know, I went to the health classes. But I am in so much pain! Witches aren't used to pain you know? Any unpleasantness is wished away with a wand or a word." The midwife gently guides the expecting mother to a chair, puts up her swollen feet and places a pillow beneath them. "Thank you. What would I do without you?"

"I'm only doing my job no need to thank me, anything else you need?"

"My husband, Left please." Soon after Left steps in the room and sits next to his wife and holds her hand, his thumb bumps over the diamond ring he gave her just months ago.

"Wanda, honey, how are you?"

"I think the baby might be coming soon. No matter how much I eat I still feel hungry." Willow leans her head on husbands large shoulder.

"Would you like me to get you something to eat? The cook just made some fine fresh bread. I'll only be-"

"No! Please stay here. I never get to see you." Left frowns, he being a king is busy business. There's never a day off, it's not like they could go on a honeymoon. But there are moments like this, when the sun is setting and all the workers are returning to their homes that they get a few minutes to talk and fall in love all over again. The couple move to their oversized bed in their oversized room, Wanda is still getting used to everything. Witches aren't treated well in this world and she has never even dreamed of having nearly this much.

"When our daughter is Queen and I am no longer King, I will spend all my days making you happy, I promise."

"All I need to be happy is you... and our daughter. Nothing else, nothing else at all. I am a simple witch." The king smiled and his kissed his wife goodnight.


"You can leave now, I am okay by myself," Willow told her midwife, even though she had to pee and couldn't stand up.

"Are you sure, would you like-"

"Yes I am sure, those are my wishes." The midwife left feeling a pang a guilt, she wasn't suppose to leave the Queen's side until the baby was born but Willow always wanted to be alone. Willow held on to the wooden armrest as tightly as she could and pushed herself up and went to relieve herself. When she came out of the bathroom her husband Right was sitting outside on the porch smoking a pipe, as he always did during sunset. She stared at him, I thought of how handsome he is, and she knew her baby boy would be just as handsome.

"Hello Right-"

"Oh Willow go back inside the smoke is bad for the baby," Her husband said waving around his pipe. Very smart doctors from around Venox were brought in to teach the royal families about pregnancy and what's bad for the babies. The couples took the lessons very seriously, and the doctors are still here to help with the birthing of the babies.

"I know, I just wanted to tell you I let the midwife have the evening off." Right nodded yes, even though he didn't agree. Willow let the midwife off so often they were basically paying her for nothing. "I think I'll have a bath," Willow said leaving the porch, letting herself inhale again. She undressed, examined her stretch marks and sat in the bath as it filled. She undid her hair and watched it float on the waters surface. A few moments later Right walked in their large bathroom. His wife was at the brick of falling asleep. He smiled at her. He took off his large boots and his red uniform but he left his crown on then settled next to her in the tub. Willow woke up a bit and playfully splashed him with some water. He gasped and splashed her back. They continued their water fight until Right's crown fell in the water. Willow picked it up and placed it on her stomach.

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