Chapter 1: A Baby

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A figure moved in the shadows toward the castle. The figure looks both ways before putting down a basket that had a little baby girl in it. "You will be safe here. Trust me. " the figure said. The hood fell reveling a women that was young. She had blond hair with beads threaded through her hair. She pulled the hood back over her head and laid a letter on the blanket that was wrapped around the baby. The women stood up and knocked on the large wood door and ran back the way she came and crouched down behind a bush. A women and man came out and gasped at the sight. The lady waited until they went back inside with the baby and ran down the road until she reached her horse and jumped on it and took off. And never looked back.
             One Year Later .............................
"Tell me the story agin mom" Fire said smiling looking at her mother. " Okay. But then you have to go to sleep" the Queen answered looking at her husband and smiling. "Once opon a time their was a young princess named Fire. She was beautiful and a wild child. She could not sit still for anything. She kept on growing and finally she found the prince of her dreams and lived happily ever after. " the Queen finished smiling at Fire. She helped Fire up onto her bed.  Fire passed out sleeping soundly. The Queen and King slowly walked out of the door and closed the door. "I wish we could tell her " the Queen said looking at her feet. "I know. Me too" the King answered looking to the distance. But they both knew they couldn't. Not yet.
Hey everyone, i hope you liked my first chapter of this book let me know.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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